

*As Carson draws Misty closer and speaks her eyes stay closed for a moment.*

"Oh boy did you ever."

*Misty keeps her voice soft knowing Carson's head was probley spliting. Slowly Misty opens her eyes a smile creeping across her face as she looks up at Carson.*

"But thats ok. We all act like a fool sooner or later."

*Misty draws silent again. She dident want to make to much noise knowing Carson probley wasent feeling hot and he has said she could stay if she was quiet. Right now Misty was comfortable she dident want to move.*

"Next time it might be alittle easyer to just let me or one of your friends know how your feeling so we can help you. It would probley be alot easyer.."

*Misty keeps her arm draped around Carson as she cuddles her face into his arm. Fighting the pain she felt in her stomach.*

*As Katie sits at her desk she starts to sort through another pile of papers Jamie had left for her on the desk. Katie felt bad for her, of the last year there had been so much that destracted her from work that they were still trying to catch up. Leting out a sigh Katie continues. At least there was stuff to do.

As Katie continues to work when a feeling comes over her. The feeling she felt so many times before. Memories start to fill her mind of Jason over his time in prison, his feeling emotions. Absorbing the emotions and memories like a spunge Katie leans her head in her hands on the desk. Once the emotions are cut off Katie leans back with a new understanding. Everything Jason went through, what she felt probley wasent even half of it but it brang a new feeling, a new understand of what Jason went though. No wonder he was so drawn back, closed off the pain he indured was great indeed.

Once Katie recomposed herself and gets his mind clear Katie looks to Jason's office. If anything alse were wrong she would feel it but still something tugged at her heart. Standing Katie slowly makes her way to Jason's office and know softly on the door opening it a crack and poking her head in. A smile on her face.*

"Are ya doing J?"

*Rosetta makes her way into the mess hell BJ close on her tail. After geting inside Bj breaks off to go into the TV room and watch Cartoon while Rosetta heads into the kitchen to get some coffee and starts breakfest. Feeling as though she wasent in the mess hall alone Rosetta scans the room her eyes landing on Jim. He looks so distraught in the courner but why. Grabing her mug she makes her way over and sits down hoping he wont mind.*

"Morning Jim. You look deep in throught everything ok?"

*Wendy makes her way to the mess hall decieding she should probley grab something to eat before work. Catching movment out of her courner of her eye she spots Trent siting on the bunk house step. Wendy had been told alittle bit about the story with Trent on the past and how along time ago when she was very small Trent had held her, and was very close with her mom. Than everything fell apart. Making her way over to the bunk Wendy offers a small smile to Trent.*

"Good Morning! Are you going to join us for breakfest?"

*Angel makes her way around the back of the messhall her face in a book in nerve reasearch. She was bound and deturmened to figure something out for Luke. There was hope, they had to be for him. Drawing close to the steps she see Luke and without him saying anything she could read his face. Going over she reaches down to help him up not drawing attachn to the face he needed help to save him the embaresment.*

"Breakfest is gonna get cold if we dont hurry."

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