

Staring at Kip still trying to decided if he was ok or not Karla takes a few steps twards him as he sits on the curb. Looking to Rin who was anxtous that his master was going near a stranger she raises her hands to him signaling him to wait.

"I might be a shy person, but I dont like just leaving someone to die. Anyways Rin never would of let me just pass by without making sure you were ok."

Squaring down a little to look at Kip in the yes she could tell something was wrong. Maybe he was just having a bad day but his face was red, and he just didnt look good at all.

"You sure you dont need anything I can help with?"

"Some people are just stupid and think they own the road. Sorry they messed your bike up. Where ya headed and I will take you all the way."

Waiting for Ty to put his bike in the back and than get into the veical finally the woman drives off. Silent for a little while a few glances where stolen at her passanger. He looked about the same age as herself and he had some good looks on him two. That was always a pulse.

"Well, since your ridding with me I guess you might as well know my name right? I'm Libby."

Feeling Gunner sit down next to her Bree continues to look at the blank TV but in its reflection is was Gunner she was not still looking at. His shirt off still, and much closer now that she could feel the tingles run up her back.

Continuing to look at the reflection Bree battles with her own mind not replying to Gunner right away. This was crazy was why simply seeing Gunner without a shirt on making her feel a crazy buzz and a heart she never had before.

Turning to Gunner again Bree can feel her face is still red but she didnt want Gunner to think something really was wrong.

"No...just a hot flash."

Was all she could manage to whisper. Her eyes move from Gunner's face down to his chest maping his muscles with her eyes until she looked up back up into his eyes. Her own face still very read but her eyes held something different. Before Gunner hand been handsome to her, but now...now she thought a whole lot more that she never though her mind could ever think.

Going to look away again two scars catch Bree's eyes. One on Gunner's bicept and one on his chest. Not even relizing why she was doing it Bree reaches a shaky hand out and ran it up Gunner's arm till it reaches the scar. Her touch soft even though her fingers trembled a little. Running the tips over the scar for a moment before letting her hand go over his shoulder, and down his chest till her fingers reaches the other scar. The tips of her fingers running over the scar from left to right. Feeling the soft skin under her fingers.

Looking up at Gunner in the eyes again Bree's eyes hold wonder to what they were from but it felt like all the air had been sucked out of her to even whisper any words.

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