

As Gunner brings his hand up to meet hers Bree cant feel something inside her jump. It was almost like an electric jolt, with a million and one strange feelings passing thought her at once. She new what some of them ment though she had never felt them before, but she wondered if it was only in her head.

Feeling Gunner's own heart beating in seemed to be in toon with her own. Racing, and making her tremble so softly. These emotions felt nice but at the same time they startled her.

"A tire iron, that had to hurt."

Bree's words were still a soft whisper looking into Gunner's eyes it was so much differnt now. They were the same eyes but they seemed to hold so much more.

Feeling Gunner draw close to her Bree thought her heart was going to leap out of her chest. Gunner's breath brushing across her skin send chills up her spin as she anticipated what would come next even though she had no idea how to do it.

But than seeing Gunner draw away again, Bree couldnt help the small disapointment that seemed to hit her heart though she had no idea why. She didnt even know how to kiss someone. Why did it seem to disappoint her so.

Feeling a little heat come to Bree's face again She looks down at Gunner's hand on top of hers and moving just fingers just slightly on his chest Bree liked how his hand looks on her.

Looking up deep into Gunner's eyes again it still felt like all air was gone from the room but she had to speak anyways.

"I guess you probley should so your not late. Maybe we can meet up for a float later or something."

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