

Running a hand over his face Nate lets out a frustrated sigh. He'd come up with dead end after dead end. He didnt know where else to look, the tracks on this one had been covered so well that there really was nothing to go on.

As Nate sits a million things run through his mind. He would do anything for Katie. She was more than just someone who worked here she was also a friend and a darn good one. If they couldnt find her in time he'd never be able to forgive himself. That was not an option, failure was not possable.

Standing Nate needed to do something he had to get his mind back in the game he has to. Hearing Hal's voice from the security room Nate stops and turns around his rout somewhere differnt now. Entering Nate looks at Hal with question and than looks up at the screen.

"Is that...how?"

The smell of wet dirt, stone and concreat fill Katie's noise. Its was stuff in this room and dark, she could hardly make anything out. Though she was happy for the darkness as her head felt like it was spliting open.

Trying to move Katie winces a little as her arms are twisted from the way they were behind her back and though she was standing her legs almost felt like jello.

What was going on, trying to think Kaite's mind draws a blank untill finally she remembers the part and the people who had attacked her. Trying to gather her emotions Katie calls out for Jason but slamming smack dab into a wall Katie crys out just a little. Something was wrong, this wasnt right, why couldnt she talk to Jason. It wasnt the feeling that he was blocking her or that he closed a part of himself off, it just wasnt there at all.

Trying her best to remember what had happend Katie searchs her own mind for answers as she trys talk with Jason again only to fail.

Hearing the squeek and slide of a heavy door Katie looks up squinting at the small bit of light only to close her eyes quickly as a light is turned on that is almost blinding. Slowing opening her eyes again Katie's eyes come into focus of two men.

"So this is her huh? On the the special ones."

"Yep this is her. We were lucky to have found the one but to have two in the same place that was pure gold."

Katie trys her best to stay in focus as the pain in her head is unbearable but she had to not pass out these two goons might say something she needed to know.

In a almost higher class tone the one lanky man that stood in front of her looked to the other who was over weaght and had more of a gruf voice.

"How do you guys know she hasnt used her powers already with the other one?"

"You think we new something like this could happen and never mad something to block it? We did make something and we know it works because we used it on the other kid the died a while back. As long as we keep her on EE her emotions are sealed from the other one like an air tight container. Nothing going in and nothing coming out."


"Emotion Eliminator. Come on let gets stuff ready. She is not going anywhere I'll be back later to see what I can get out of her after everything is set up."

Hearing that her emotions were cut off from Jason, Katie's heart races. If her emotions were cut off and Jason couldnt feeling them that ment he would...NO! Trying with all her might Katie trys to push some emotions through but its no use. It was like trying to fit a squear peace into a circle hole. It couldnt be done. A tear rolled down Katie's face. With out her emotions Jason was good as dead and right now that hurt more than anything alse in the world to think of the pain he suffered and to know she probley would never seen him again.

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