
Old Time

Sitting at his desk Nate goes through files looking for something anything that might point to what happend to Katie. More than likly it was the Agency, but if by some chanse it wasnt he wanted to know and know every angel.

The time was getting late and Nate could feel the sleepyness setting in, but though he was tired sleeping was not an option. He's grown close to Katie and there was no way he could sleep now.

Looking up as he hears a noise Nate spots Jason. Giving him a once over Jason seems calm and Nate takes no action. Felling sorry for his young friend Nate couldnt deni that he wouldnt have reacted the same way if it had been someone he has cared about.

Holding out a few files from Katie's desk Nate knows Jason will know that he wanted him to help go through them. Nate new Jason was one of the best and wanted to keep him close to him trying to keep him level headed and in the game.

"We are gonna find her Jase, we will."

Giving a smile as she feels Con's hands on her shoulder Jamie let a bit of a sigh out. She always felt so safe new Con and right now she couldnt help but be a little shook up remembering what it was like when she was taken and feeling horrable Katie had to now go through it. All she could do was pray, and hope maybe, just maybe Katie was going through less than she had.

Resting her hand on Con's knee just to be slightly close to him and taking a break from her searching Jamie lets out a soft sigh as she listens to Con. She was a bit saprised to hear Reese had asked Con back and he hasnt told her, but she couldnt be mad at him for it.

"Well to be honest, I think that would be great. I miss working with you and always seeing you. As long as your happy I am happy."

Jamies gives a smile to Con proving what she said was the truth. She did love working with Con and if it did make him happy than so was she. Nothing pained her more than seeing Con depressed and unhappy.

Looking up at Carson and returning the kiss Misty beams. She always loved when Carson came out of no where and kissed her like that. No matter how many times he did it, it always sent chills through her and for a short moment Misty felt happy dispight what was going on with Katie.

Hearing Carson's request turns Misty's lips into a upword grin as a few sparks flicker in her eyes.

"You know...I am not really should..."

Hesatating for a moment Misty finally stands leaning into Carson again.

"There might be consaquences you will have to pay for after all."

Giving a wink Misty slips past Carson and out of the infermary quietly heading down the hall leading Carson to the holding cell. Punching a few numbers in the key pad Misty turns to him before opening the door.

"Kind of feels like old times huh?"

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