

It was a rare occasion that Jason would accept help without argument, but for once, when Nate approaches, he doesn't resist. Instead, he lets his friend help steady him as they walk, still trying to find his balance.

"The park. I don't know what happened. Katie started shouting at me then all of a sudden we got shut down. The connection is completely gone. We can't communicate and I don't know why." He stops at the door, letting Nate and Trooper out first, then follows after.

"Rick just developed something to knock the whole system offline, so I'm not dead, but I don't know about Katie."

He pauses at the car, looking at Nate grimly. "Either there's an outside force that shut her down like what Rick just gave me, or she's dead."

The thought alone made Jason's stomach churn. But for now he would push ahead and try not to come up with too many theories on his own. They had to look to the park first...

"There's Katie's car." Jason points to the vehicle in the parking lot. He's out of Nate's car in a flash, Trooper right behind. Getting to the car, Jason looks around. Nothing seemed out of place. Finding the door unlocked, he looks around inside, but still finds nothing.

Straightening, he looks around the park. It was big. No one was gathered anywhere. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He looks to Nate. "Something isn't right.... something is really strange here."

Ducking into the back seat of Katie's car, he retrieves a shirt that she'd left in there at some point. Pulling it out, he kneels in front of Trooper, giving him a good whiff. "Katie," he directs. "Find Katie."

Having a command to go on, Trooper's behavior shifts into work mode. On duty, he sets to work, sniffing around the car, then takes off running into the park. Jason is quick to follow, sprinting after him, even though some nausea had set in.

It takes a few minutes, but Trooper leads them to the spot where Katie's badge was lying. Jason stops and just stares at it for a moment, the churning in his stomach worsening. He looks to Nate, the worry filling his eyes.

Slowly he kneels down to pick up the badge. Seeing the blood on the ground, his worry increases. "She's not dead," he states decidedly. "If someone was just out to kill her, they wouldn't have bothered to take the body."

Trooper is still sniffing around and gives out a short woof. He trots back to the parking lot where he winds up at an empty parking space.

Still holding Katie's badge, Jason goes to the parking space, spotting traces of oil. "Whoever parked here has a minor oil leak," he comments. He knew that was a long shot. Who could tell how many cars had been there this morning. He looks back to Nate. "We have to get back to TJY and start an investigation."

Once back to TJY, Jason has grown stronger physically, and is able to lead the way back into the building. Inside, it's obvious that the word has already spread. Reese is right there to meet them.

"Jason, what happened?"

"Katie's been taking. She might be hurt." Jason doesn't stop walking.

Reese looks to Nate with question, then back to Jason. "Can you tell?"

"No." Jason stops by Jamie's desk, without missing a beat. "Jamie, I need you to track all Katie's recent correspondence with outside sources. I don't care if it's just personal phone messages - I want to know about them. And call Con. He should know about this."

Sidling past Reese, he aims for Scott and Dalton's office. "Scott?"

Scott looks up quickly, startled. "Yeah?"

"Katie's missing. I want you to retrieve satellite from the area surrounding the city park this morning up until about half an hour ago."

Though fear surges through Scott at the thought of something happening to Katie, he turns to his computer. "I'm on it."

"Good." On to the infirmary, Jason pokes his head in to see Misty. "Misty? Call Carson. If there's any way he can get away from the restaurant, have him do it. I want him on this case."

"Jason..." Reese tries to slow him down, but it's no use. He turns to look at Nate again, throwing up his arms in exasperation. He didn't even want Jason heading this up - he was too emotionally driven. But unless he wanted to hogtie him, he just needed to let Jason run at this point.

Jason is already back to his office to try and sort some things out, but a wave of dizziness makes him stop and lean on the doorway.

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