
Keep Going

*Katie smiles. Just was so thoughtful at times.* " As long as you come back J I think I will be ok. We will see how I feel in the morning." *KAtie knows the meeting is about what happended with the sheriff but dosent bother Jason with the question now that he is sleeping. Katie leands her head back aganst the bed and drifts off to sleep. Katie dreams about her Aunt and Mick, and Cindy and Wes..than she comes to herself. In front of her stand 2 men, Her crossroad. The sure safe path, or the long twisted hard road. Katie shoots up from bed glancing over at Jason. He was sleeeping so peacefuly. For a long while Katie watches Jason before she drifts off to sleep again.*

*Rosetta sighs and trys to keep her smile and nods.* "Ok we go back tomarrow than. Probley should let Austin know what going on so he is on high alirt." *Rosetta's face drops a bit.*

*As Jamie stands she smiles at Con. She knows her can make it home ok by herself but would never decline Con's company.* "Sure, I'd like that Con. I have a bit of a ways to go so it might be nice to have someone come along." *Jamie stands and smiles at the group.* " It was nice meetin you all. I hope to see you all again, and are safe. I will keep praying."

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