

*As Katie stays snuggled with Jason the time seems to pass so fast. Dinner comes and goes the new movie playing. Hating to see the night end Katie thinks for a moment.* " I think I will hold you hostage. Its more fun that way." *Giving a silly grin Katie sits up a bit to let Jason move his arm.* "J, thank you." *Katie sits back.*

*As Katie sits back a nurse walks into the room.* "Well Miss, tomarrow you start your tharipy if your up to it. The Doc said you grained alot of your strength back fast. But be warned your gonna feel alot more pain befor this gets better. But it will be ok. Seem to me you have a good friend who is helping you as well. That always makes things easyer." *The nurse smiles at Jason than nods to the other bed in the room.* " That bed has fresh sheets on it. Your more than free to sleep in it if you like. More comfortable than that chair and because f the situation here we wont put another pashent in here. So its all yours." *The nurse checks Katie's charts than heads out of the room.*

*Rosetta sits down slowly and looks around the room.* " I...I dont know who it was but I can guess. All they said was " The war has started. The end is near, are you prepaired?" and than they hung up. My hunch says its the Agency."

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