

Clint's heart begins to race as Wendy stares into his eyes. He knew that if he were the thief, she would allow it, and the thought sent a tingle down his spine.

Slowly, cautiously, he cocks his head, leaning his face towards hers. Closing his eyes, he lets his lips brush Wendy's, feeling her breath on his skin. His hand drifts to the side of her head to cradle her gently. Tenderly, he moves back to press his lips softly on hers, only for a moment. He draws back just slightly, his face still almost touching hers. He searches her gaze for her desire for him to break the moment or to return, his own question reflected in his eyes.

Con gives Katie a squeeze. "I know, Kat...I know. It's a long road. But I know you can do it." He looks at her with compassion. "The pain just doesn't go away that easy, does it... but God won't give you anything more than you can handle. It hurts...but you have strength enough to endure. When this is over...and I promise you it will be...you'll be stronger and you'll look back, seeing good things that happened."

He offers her a small smile. "Now...I don't want you walking home, so either I drive you, or we go back to TJY where we both can keep a stiff upper lip."

Laura pauses in the doorway of Con's office, her eyes seeing the box...seeing the emptiness on the walls. Her heart sank. Con really was leaving. He'd said he was...but just about everyone here had said that at least once and had always returned. But it was obvious that Con really was serious.

Turning around, she slowly ambles back out onto the floor. She missed her brother...All the years they'd spent together, him taking care of her...then they'd moved apart, but at least they still worked together and hung out constantly. Then he'd been assigned to the case in Texas....things at TJY got rough...Jamie was now in the picture...he was leaving TJY... it felt almost like she was losing him. She knew she really wasn't...but she just wasn't sure she was ready for this change yet.

Carson leans back in his chair, thinking for several minutes. He'd been thinking a lot the last couple days...maybe it was time he really made up his mind. Standing, he swaggers toward the infirmary in search of Misty. Finding the room empty, he goes to her desk, a sly grin on his face. He takes a piece of paper and pen, jotting a quick note. 'I'm yours.' Setting it down, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out his steel ID bracelet that had CARSON engraved on it. He lays it on top of the note and leaves it, turning on his heel and heading back towards the main floor.

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