
Hit on the head

Getting to there destination Katie hopes off her horse and ties her to a nearby post in a bit of shades. Giving a smile to Dan as she walks back over to Mick.

On the way up they had all talked and though Dan skitted around talking about much of his own past Katie did get to know a little bit about him. He seemed like a nice guy.

Hearing Micks directions Dan look at him and gives a smerk saying thanks alot. Turning to head over to where they had worked yesterday He throws Mick a wink to show him he really wasnt irritated.

"Yeah no problem boss."

Going over next to Mick Katie helps unload some of the stuff they had brought with them putting on her own work gloves. Feeling her phone vibrate though Katie takes her one glove off just in time to feel it stop. Pulling her phone out anyways Katie look at the number and see its Jason. There was no voicemail and it had hardly even done one ring, why had he bothered to call if he was just going to hang up?

Holding a confused look on her face for a moment Katie puts her phone back in her pocket and than puts her glove back on before joining Mick again. She was hurt that Jason hadnt bothered to leave a message but what more could she do?

"Ok what are we going to start with?"

Smiling as she continues to make the coffee she looks up at Gunner and gives a shake of her head. She liked it when her Uncle played along with what she said no matter how strange it was.

"Nah, he just like to humor me that all. I'm the only strange on in the family."

Pouring the water in and setting the pot Bree thinks for a long moment before answering. It had been a while since she could remeber realling being...normal.

"Yeah we are pretty close. When I was real little, I got as pretty bad hit to the head. Probably one that should of killed me, but I lived and since that I had always been a little strange I guess you could say. JT is really the only one who gets me and doesn't think I belong in a nut house."

Looking up from her desk Misty gives a sigh. She was happy Jeff was going to be with his family but she was sad to see him go without knowing the cure to what was wrong.

"Rick what can I do to help? We cant let him...we just cant."

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