

With a deep sigh, Clint nods. He leans his head in to kiss Wendy's forehead. "Yeah... yeah, we can get back to our own bunkhouse. They don't mean to keep Chase from you... they're just trying to give you less things to worry about. I'm... kinda glad our moms have stepped in to ease some of that pressure."

He rubs her arm tenderly before his hand finds hers. "But we'll get back to our own place tonight, okay? And then... then by late springtime, maybe our house will be done."

Time has a way of slipping through our fingers, no matter how hard we try to hold it in the palm of our hands. Plans drift away, we age and we sometimes feel it has been unfair. But time pays no heed. And for Texas and Nevada, several days pass without slowing.

"Alright. That's it." JT tosses the rest of the paperwork onto the coffee table. It had been three days, and he and Bree were back at it, but this time, he wasn't going to spend hours pouring over these cases. He cared about each and every patient, but there was a point where he and his niece needed some time out. "Pizza time."

He heads for the phone, dressed in his loose jeans and t-shirt, shuffling in his socks. The routine rarely changed - when Bree came over, pizza was inevitable. They would always change toppings though, sometimes coming up with some pretty strange combinations. JT enjoyed the time with his niece... she was a large part of his social life, whether she realized it or not.

He's got the cordless phone in hand, ready to dial the pizza place, when the doorbell rings. "Aw..." Heading to the door, he looks out, not recognizing who was there. Shrugging, he opens it a few inches. "Yes?"

"Hi, Dr. Timble?"

"Yes... Can I help you?"

"I hope so. Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

JT studies the badge that's shown to him. "Um... okay." He backs up, opening the door wider. "Come in."

Gunner steps inside, scanning the entryway and into the living room. An ever-so-faint smile plays at the corner of his mouth. "I see you have company. Perhaps another time would be better?"

"Well.. am I in some kind of trouble?"

"No, no." Gunner shakes his head. "You probably don't remember me..."

JT's eyes narrow as he thinks hard. He didn't recognize this man. He studies Gunner's face, then his eyes move up, catching the patch of gray hair. His eyes widen slightly. "Brent..."

Gunner nods. "The one and only. I imagine your memory has already been stimulated by your niece."

"Yes, how did you-"

"Good guess." Gunner extends his hand. "Always figured I'd see you again someday. I guess I need your help again, but this time it isn't medical."

"Well... we were just ready to order out for supper, but it can wait..."

"No, I don't want to intrude." Gunner shakes his head. "I can come back another time."

JT is too curious though, and calls over his shoulder. "Bree? Can you stand waiting on supper just a little longer?"

Scott leans back in his chair, lost in thought like he had been a lot the last few days. Ever since Hope's court case, he just couldn't help it. He knew there had to be an answer somewhere. He'd toyed with an idea of his for a while now, and knew it was time to say something.

Getting up abruptly, he doesn't even bother telling Dalton where he's running off to. He heads across the main floor to Reese' office.

Just wanted to drop you an email since I hadn't in a while. Finally getting around to answering you. Sorry. Been busy lately. Reese has been on my case...

"Jason!" Reese storms into Jason's office, clutching papers in his hand. "I told you to fill out a report, not butcher this case!"

Jason frowns, glaring up at his boss. "I wrote down what happened! You want a better description, ask Con."

"I'm sick and tired of your attitude, Hotshot," Reese growls. "You know better than this, and I expect to see it. You've been sloppy lately and you know it. Now shape up."

I guess maybe I deserve some of it, I don't know. Sometimes it feels like he's got it in for me. He's been teaming me up with Con lately though and that's brought back good memories. We've taken down a few bad guys. Nothing major though...

"Holy cow, what happened?" Rick rushes down through the cubicles towards Con and Jason. Jason had his arm around Con's shoulder, dragging his right leg as blood poured from a wound.

"Caught a bullet." Con tries to catch his breath from having helped Jason in. "Things got rough down at the bar and it got out of hand."


Jason winces as he keeps heading towards the infirmary, limping. It was the first time in a long time that physical pain was as raw as this. Without emotions wrapped around it, he couldn't decide if it felt worse or better. At least this time Katie didn't have to worry about him.

Jason pauses his typing to shift in his seat. His leg was throbbing. He didn't know which hurt more - the bullet hole or his knee in its brace. Reese had slacked off a bit since he'd been hurt, but Jason was miserable. He couldn't seem to do anything right.

Tonight JetStream's got a concert. Looking forward to that. Axel's gonna come and help Jen again. I'm glad he's got time. He's been on medical leave, did I tell you that? Hasn't been able to move his hand now for a couple weeks - don't know what his future looks like. The band appreciates his help though.

Jason stops again. Tonight they were without Katie. Katie... A couple days ago he'd seen that she'd called his cell phone but... she hadn't left any message for him. He'd wanted to call her back but... if she'd really wanted to talk to him, she would have left a message, right? Or maybe she'd just misdialed. Maybe it was for the best... he wasn't sure what to say to her anyway. It felt so... awkward. But maybe this was good for them.

Pulling the cord on his neck, he pulls the ring out from under his shirt, fingering it. Were he and Katie over? His headaches had subsided... the antidote apparently was doing its job. But deep down, there was a dull ache, somewhere around his heart.

A sharp pain through his leg brings him back to the present, and back to his email.

Good news - Scott's been back to work. Last couple days he's just been here half days. I'm not sure he's feeling quite up to full-time yet, but he's trying. You might mention it to some of the people there at the ranch - they seemed to have grown fond of him after he'd been there a couple times.

Anyway... I guess there isn't too much else to tell. I'd like to come down for a few days. Don't tell anyone yet - I don't know when it will be. I'd like to spend some time writing some of my music and I want to see Kaylee again.

Tell Wes hi. More later.
Love, Jase

Mick brushes down one of the horses, preparing to saddle up. The north fence had been in worse shape than he'd thought, and it was taking several days to fix. He'd asked Dan if he wanted to join him, but not requiring it, he wasn't sure if the young man would join him or not.

The mare turns her head and lips Mick's shirt sleeve.

He grins and gives her neck a loving pat. "Yeah, give me a minute. We'll get going here soon."

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