

*Rosetta still clings to Mick her tears starting to stop.* " I just feel so helpless Mick. Katie had her whole lige in front of her. She was so Excited and ready to go out and down things. This has to be crushing her. As soon as we can I'd like to go see her. Maybe the kids, and Angel, and Cindy can hold down the fort. We can bring BJ with us."

*As Katie lays still in bed her mind still races. The gun shot, the fire, someone pulled her out of the car but who? Katie dreams she is back at the ranch not being able to walk keeps her home bound. Looking up at a figure she asks what she can do to help only yo get a reply of nothing. "You did this to yourself" the voice tells her. " You dident even try. You gave up before you even started. You friend was there to help and you pushed him away. Now you lost him forever." *Katie shoots up from the hospetal bed giving a small scream. The tears, the emotions. Katie cant take it anymore her tears flow over. She wasent sure if she was crying for herself, for her pain, or for the pain this will put on others to have to take care of her. No matter what Katie had to get through this. She had to try and be stong. No matter how Katie tryed could couldent stop the tears.*

*Wes cant help but beam anymore. The tears now coming down his face. Slowly Wes fumles with the ring taking it out of the box and sliping it on Cindy's finger.* "Perfect fit." *Wes stands and embraces Cindy.* " Your wonderful. Thank you...thank you so much." *Wes sits back down in his char as the food comes to the table. Wes beams.* " Dinner is served I hope you like it I slaved over the stove all day." *A silly grin on Wes' face.*

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