
I just...

Jade looks to Dan quickly, surprise and anger flashing in her eyes as another tear slips out to travel down her face and melt between Dan's fingers. It was the first time she'd glared at him.

"Don't you dare do that to me, Dan Palmer." Her lower lip quivers, but anger takes over the sorrow. "Don't you try to tell me what's more important. I didn't want your friendship just to turn my back on it, so don't make me." A tear drops onto her shirt. "At least you care - my dad doesn't, or he'd see what he was doing. I don't care if you say he really cares or not - he obviously doesn't want me here. He's just finding a way to push me away from him. Well... so be it."

Jade's on her feet, pacing as she swipes at her eyes. "He's being ridiculous, and you know it! Stop trying to be the nice guy and just... just be my friend!" She throws up her arms. "He can shove his ideas up his butt for all I care! I'm gonna pack up and I'm gonna find my own place in town and if he tries to sic my grandmother on me, I'll just give her a piece of my mind. I don't care if life isn't fair... this time, I'm not gonna back down! I can't... I just... I can't."

She leans her hands against the wall, breathing heavily. "I just want to know what he has against you. And if he's not willing to tell me, then he can just deal with the fallout."

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