
Doped up

"Mm.... I... think I c'n... h'ndle tht..." Axel squints at Misty, wondering if he'd made any sense at all. "Uh... I better.... stay hereawhile, huh.... dr'vng could be.... zastrous."

He tries to wiggle his fingers, but finds it too painful to continue, so he just lies still again, feeling quite tired all of a sudden. "Hey wouldya... call Jess an' tell'er I'm alive?"

Sparky just nods to Rosetta, really not knowing what else to say. He didn't hold her responsible for anything... and on a certain level, he felt a bit responsible for what had happened, even though deep down he knew it wasn't his fault.

Left alone with Angel, he sighs deeply. "I think it's time for me to move on, Angel." His voice was quiet and defeated. "I think I've served my purpose here and... maybe it's time I found a new route."

Mick doesn't look up as Rosetta joins him. He knew it was her without looking, and he was not surprised. His hand rests on his leg, his fists clenching and relaxing in rhythm. His eyes stare at the blank computer screen.

"Sparky overstepped his bounds, that's what happened," he replies evenly. "Dan has gone after my daughter, and my daughter has willingly disobeyed me in regards to him. Their behavior is unacceptable and I have told Dan to leave. Sparky deserved what he got when he challenged me in front of Dan and Jade. He has no respect for the decisions I have made, and I got tired of it."

Leaning forward, Mick folds his arms on the table, leaning his head down to hide his face. He'd felt lost before, but he'd hoped he'd never have to feel it at this level again. But everything was falling apart. He wasn't communicating well with anyone here anymore, he was losing his daughter, and his son was about as far from him as he could be.

Aw crap... I didn't count on druggies.

Jason's gun sweeps the room, walking at an angle to work as a team with Katie.

"Hey... dude, what's up with the gun?"

Jason rolls his eyes at the one of the guys near the window.

We could have come in here without any cover at all and Dylan wouldn't even know us.

"Not a sound," he barks.

Get them just nervous enough to stay back but not panic.

"You!" He points to Dylan. "Up!"

Dylan doesn't move, and just rolls his eyes up at him. "Easy on the volume... What's your problem?"

"You." Jason shakes his head in disgust. "Up. Now!"

Dylan grunts and closes his eyes, swearing as he tells Jason just where to go.

Jason grits his teeth. "Alright, that's it." He moves towards Dylan.

The young woman shrieks and goes for a lamp to swing in Jason's direction, but a gun pointed in her face makes her stop. The other two men shrink back in the corner, very scared, but of what, they weren't sure. They weren't sure of anything at this point, and were in no frame of mine to fight off anyone, let alone try. But even so, their fear was more than it should have been, without explanation on their part.

Good job, Hero, just keep 'em at bay.

Jason moves to the couch, not needing to worry about the others, now that Katie had a hold on their fears. Reaching down, he grabs Dylan's collar and yanks him up off the couch.

Dylan stumbles to his knees, tearing a hole in his jeans and cursing again. Jason pulls him by the arm, forcing him to his feet. "Get out of here," Jason growls.

Dylan grunts his disapproval as he hits the door. Everything was spinning, and he felt like flopping down right where he was to rest on he cloud that he'd been on for the last hour. But a swift shove gets him out of the apartment.

"Wyatt, we're coming down. Start the engine."

Katie, you coming? Just shut the door behind ya and lets get out of here. We'll call the cops on them a soon as we're gone so they get busted for whatever it is they're taking.

Back to the van, Dylan is still struggling, but he's no match for Jason's skill and size. Slammed up against the side of the van, he yells his resistance, still having no idea who these people were. He was too far gone to be too scared though, giving him an edge dumb enough to be shoved into the back of the van.

Wyatt doesn't have to be told twice to get out of there as soon as the three are in the van, and he picks up his phone to call in an anonymous tip.

Dylan sprawls on the floor of the van, his glazed eyes looking up at Jason and Katie. His face was pale, and his hair was damp with sweat. It seemed all that could come from his mouth was profanity. He doesn't even bother trying to sit up - it wasn't worth the effort.

Jason sits back and shakes his head.

Nice. Real nice. You know we have to call Mick. I don't think pretending this was a kidnapping is going to have any impact on our little friend here at all.

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