

Looking at Sparky Angel felt bad for him, and his words just seemed to follow. This was Rosetta's ranch but it was just as much everyone elses that worked here too.

"It would be pretty lonly if you left Sparky. You help Rosetta out so much she might be lost. This is as much your home, as anyone elses. Dont let a few bad things with your brother make you think other wise."

Giving a shake of her head and than a nod Misty was happy Axel was smart enough not to try and drive right now.

"Yeah, I'll call Jess for you. Just rest for a few hours and than you should be as good as new."

Going back to her desk Misty pick up her phone to call Jess and than follow it up with a call to Carson.

Rosetta leans back in the chair and study's Mick for a long moment. She hated not agree with Mick, and she new it would cause some kind of tiff, but she had to talk it out with him.

"No one deserves to get punched no matter what they do. That in its self is not acceptable. You could of yelled at him all you wanted to, but actually causeing harm to Sparky is not ok."

Drawing silent again for a moment Rosetta just sits there her eyes continuing to look at Mick. There was so much she wanted to say, but she didnt even know how. She wanted to stay calm but get upset at the same time. It was one big mess. But finally Rosetta speaks again her tone staying calm.

"And you want to fire Dan because.....he likes Jade? I'm sorry, but I wont allow Dan to be fired because he likes Jade. He's been a great worker who has pulled more than his share of work around here, He's always followed the rules, and I cant fire him for his feelings for another person. I respect your desitions Mick, but I just cant agree with this one."

Doing what she needed to make sure Jason could grab Dylan Katie stays alert. Once Jason had him and was pulling him to and out the door Katie follows. Heading down the steps with Jason covering him. Hopping into the back of the van and telling Wyatt to head to the ranch.

Every curse word that came from Dylan's mouth felt like nails on a chalk bored to Katie. Her cousin had only gotten worse from the last time she saw him.

"I think your right, he'd not goint to learn from this. But if he keeps cussing my fist in gonna meet his mouth to shut him up."

Katie didnt like to use force but Dylan was getting on her nerves and she just couldn't help it. Spying some duck tape at the one end of the van Katie had a better idea and wouldn't get her in trouble. Ribbing a peace off she puts it over Dylan's mouth.

"There, no I didnt have to punch him and I can think."

Dialing Reese Katie waits for him to answer letting out a sigh as she sits back resting her head aganst the van wall.

"Hey Reese, we got Dylan. He's...dopped out of his mind, but he is alive."

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