

Dylan tries to fend off Katie's duct tape, but with a quick cuffing by Jason, the younger man was left helpless to stop the tape being applied to his mouth. Giving Katie a blurry glare, he sinks back on the floor with a grunt.

Reese answers his phone and finds out the details from Katie, disgusted at the report on Dylan. "Thanks, Katie. Keep on heading to the ranch. I'll call Mick and let him know what's going on."

Ending the call, Reese is quick to dial Mick. He gets his voice mail once, then tries again a few minutes later.

Mick's eyes follow Rosetta outside. He wanted to stop her... to tell her he was sorry. But it was as if there was a barrier. It was one that his own pride had made, but it was there nonetheless, and it kept him from stopping Rosetta.

Alone again, Mick sighs and looks back to the blank computer screen. Leaning forward to put his face in his hands again, he just sits, feeling more alone than he had in a long time. What was happening to him?

His phone rings again. Knowing he needed to answer it, he finally reaches into his pocket to answer it. "Yeah?"

"Mick, it's Reese. They've got Dylan."

Mick forces his mind to clear as he goes on alert. "Where? Is he okay?"

"He was at that apartment. Apparently he was pretty doped up."

"What? You mean he was drugged?"

"Uh... no, I mean he was doing drugs."

Mick's body slouches. "Aw no."

"I'm sorry, Mick. The team is still bringing him back to the ranch."

"Are you going to report him?"

Reese takes a moment to think. "I'm going to leave it up to you. It will stay in our own records, but... if you don't want to involve the police, I won't force you."

"Thanks." Mick quickly ends the call, rubbing his forehead that suddenly hurt. It wasn't the Agency, but his son was running off on a whim and doing drugs on top of it. Could it get much worse? Taking his phone again, he dials Wyatt.

Wyatt keeps one hand on the wheel as he reaches for his cell, putting it on speaker phone. "Hello?"

"It's Mick. Your dad said you've got Dylan."

"That's right. We're on our way."

"No. I want you to take him somewhere else."

Jason throws Katie a glance. Why was Mick changing plans.

"Um..." Wyatt quirks an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?"

"There's a ranch... it's the McClain ranch an hour or so from here."

Jason's eyes are still on Katie.

I hadn't thought of that... might be a good place if Mick isn't going to turn Dylan in for the drugs.

"I know where it is, Wyatt."

Mick speaks again. "Jason, that you?"


"What shape's Dylan in?"

"Uh..." Jason looks down at Dylan's lethargic figure. "He's... in his own little world at the moment."

"Can you get him to the McClain's?"

"I think we can. You gonna be there?"

Mick pauses. "Yeah... if I'm not there when you arrive, I'll be there shortly. Thanks guys."

"Yep." Wyatt hangs up and looks in the rearview mirror. "Okay, Hotshot, which way?"

Jason tells him where to turn instead of going to the R/M ranch, settling back for the ride.

Seems weird, doesn't it? Here we are... the Elite... and this has nothing to do with any real case, other than a couple of druggies. I knew Dylan had gotten himself in a bit of trouble before but I didn't know he'd go this far.

Mick flips his phone shut and once more, thinks for a long time. Eventually, he stands up and leaves the dining hall, heading to the house. Entering slowly, he thinks he might hear Rosetta in the living room, but he heads straight for the bedroom. Standing at the closet for what seemed an eternity of contemplation, he finally takes out his duffel bag and sets it on the bed. And slowly, he begins to pack. Today had been the straw to break the camel's back... or several camel's backs, it seemed. Something had to give. He was angry with Jade, he was angry with Dan, he was angry with Rosetta... he was angry with the world, and it was all his own fault. He knew it, and had been unable to stop it by himself. After slugging his brother a second time, and seeing that Rosetta didn't agree about Dan, he questioned himself and his state of mind. And knowing that Dylan would be at the McClain ranch... perhaps it was the door that he needed to step through on his own this time.

Continuing to find clean clothes, he packs enough for several days at least. Then zipping it shut, he sits on the edge of the bed, his mind and heart tormented. How would he tell Rosetta what he was about to do?

Sparky is a little surprised by Angel's hug, but it only takes him a moment to return it. Giving her a hug back, he sighs and finally pulls away, offering a small smile. "Thanks, Angel. I don't know if I'll actually leave or not, but... keep it under your hat, okay?"

Nodding a little, he finally slips back outside, heading to the barn to keep his hands busy and his mind off the pain in his lip.

The fun, games and laughter were over for the night. Several others had already headed home, and the others were wrapping things up. Wandering towards the door with Karla, Kip gives her a smile, his hands tucked in his pockets. "Thanks for coming over, Karla... I... really enjoyed your company."

He chuckles . "Crazy day, but... I'm glad you didn't pin me as a creep." His one hand reaches down to scratch Rin before he looks back up to Karla. "Wouldn't want a ride home, would ya? I can drive us so we don't catch cold."

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