
Anything else?

Looking into Jamie’s eyes, Con receives her words of acceptance, and he can finally breath again, his heart pounding in his chest. As she comes for an embrace, he takes her close, finally standing up and just hugging her.

Other people on the floor hear Nate’s cheering and move closer to see what’s going on. It doesn’t take long for them to figure it out, and soon there are more cheers and clapping.

Jason stops his route to his office, a huge smile spreading across his face. “Way to go, Con!” He watches for several moments before shaking his head, still smiling and continuing his route to his office.

Laura gets up from her desk and comes over close to Nate, grinning, and linking her arm in his. “Woo, Jamie and Con! Yeah!”

Susanne claps and laughs at the sight. Hal pokes his head around the corner and gives a shrill whistle, adding his claps.

Con’s face gets red but he doesn’t pay attention to the audience as he draws back just a little to look down at Jamie. Tilting up her chin, he cocks his head and leans in to plant a passionate kiss on her lips.

The cheering around them finally brings a smile to his face and he can’t hold the kiss. Lifting his head, he’s still smiling. “I love you,” he whispers.

Looking down at himself, he can’t help but chuckle. “And I’m getting you all wet.”

Once back in his office, Jason eases down in his chair, trying to finish up what he’d been doing. All of a sudden though, it was hard to concentrate. He was thrilled for Con and Jamie…they’d been happy for so long, and deserved this. They really seemed like a good pair, and Jason was proud of his friend for finally asking the woman he loved to marry him.

But…what was this strange feeling that was also trying to hide? Jason wasn’t sure. He blocked nothing as his mind wanders a little. Was that…melancholy? Was that…envy? He rolls his eyes and tries to get back to work.

His ringing cell phone startles him and he answers. “Yeah?”

“Hey, Handsome.”

Jason automatically shuts out some of his emotions as he hears Camryn’s voice. “Hey. You home?”

“Yeah, but I thought maybe we could do a late night run for ice cream or something.”

“…and here you go.” Kyle sets down Angelica’s plate in front of her with a bit of a flourish. “Enjoy.”

Reese smiles his thanks. “Could I get another diet coke?”

“Sure.” Kyle takes his glass. “We have a special tonight. Free refills.”

“You always have free refills.”

“Well that’s what makes us special.” Kyle grins and looks to Angelica. “Do you need anything else? More to drink? Extra napkins? Candlelight?”

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