

*Misty's eyes slowly drift shut again feeling Carson's comfort put her at ease.*

"I'm glad your here."

*The sedation kicking in again Misty drifts back to sleep her mind calling dark for now though still felt as though she could hear what was going on around her. Carson's breathing, the thunder and rain. If felt strange to be awake, yet asleep not being able to talk to move. Yet the comfort of being safe was there, the knowledge of knowing her protector was next to her gave Misty what was needed to sleep peacefully.*

*Katie laughs as she sits on Scott's lap returning his kiss. *

"I think I could get use to this chair its very comfortable."

*Katie grins and laughs again snuggling her head into Scott's shoulder for a moment.*

"I'd help you, but I dont think much work would be done and than both out hindends would be in trouble."

*Katie gives Scott another kiss before standing and heading for the door. Stoping she throws Scott a wink and before disapearing down the hall she calls.*

"Ice cream, my place, 8:00, bring the kid."

Later that evening...

*Angerlica smiles and looks up from her desk as Reese enters. Closing the open file she had on her desk.*

"I was thinking about it. I've still got a bunch of stuff here I need to straten through and I havent even been here 24 hours yet and Jake sent me a case to look over."

*Angelica stands and heads to the filing cabnit puting away the file she was looking at. Turning back around she can tell the look on Reese face proves to be one that shows he is werry. Maybe, she should take a chanse.*

"I havent had anything to eat yet though. Would you like to grab some dinner with me?"

*Jamie sits at her desk typing away. The day had gone pretty fast and she felt like she was never going to catch up in work. Glancing at he clock her excitment starts to grow as the time draws near to Con's arrivle. They hadent gone out and done much since everything happend with Titan Inc. most of there nights they spent watching movies and ordering in. Once and a while they would stop by Mom and Pop's for a quick bite and to say hi to the fokes but nothing more than that. Not that Jamie minded it would just be nice to get out and do something as well. Smiling Jamie starts working again hoping the last few hours would go fast.*

*Misty slowly opens her eyes again hearing the rain it sounded like soft music. The room is dim and it takes a moment for Misty to get her bearing. Her mouth was dry and she hurt all over. Turning her hear slowly she looks at Carson and gives a small smile.*

"My mouth feels like I've been chewing on cotton balls."

*Misty's trys to sit up and realizes she cant when a serge of pain goes from the top of her head down to her feet causing her to shutter. Leaning out a grown she lets her head rest into the pillow closing her eyes to fight the pain for a moment and than opens them again.*

"I guess I really did a number on myself this time huh?"

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