
Now or never

Scott’s eyes widen as Katie pulls him inside, his arm automatically going around her. “Mm.” He draws away with a smile. “That’s quite a welcome. I should be a little late every time if that’s what I get.”

Domino looks up at them and gives a little bark, putting a paw up on Katie’s leg.

Scott glances down and grins. “Someone is jealous. Better get used to it, Bub.” He closes the door behind him and glances around. “Henry safely away?”

“Great.” Reese grins and waits for Angelica to come. Planning on going home right after supper, they take separate vehicles and Reese makes sure Angelica follows him until they reach the Pizza Box. There were other cars there, proving it was suppertime, and Reese holds the door open for Angelica. Entering, they find their own table to sit at.

Going inside, some music is playing, and the atmosphere is light and fun. Noise from the back kitchen wafts through the main room and someone looks up as the door opens.

Coming from behind the counter, he grins, a couple menus in hand. “Well, good evening. I’m Kyle and I’ll be your inept waiter tonight since Jenny isn’t working.” He gives Reese and Angelica their menus. “Pardon my greasy apron, we’re short on hands tonight. But not to worry, we have no shortage of food. Can I get you something to drink?”

Trudging across TJY’s parking lot, Con was about as fed up as he could get. This wasn’t how he’d planned this…it was far from it. Everything was ruined. But he was going to follow through if it was the last thing he did. He’d spent too much time dwelling on it, and if he waited again, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

By the time Con reaches the main floor, his jaw is clenched with irritation, his stride lengthened as he stalks towards Jamie’s desk. Reaching her cubicle, he stops, a puddle of rain water forming around him as his clothes dripped. His hair was plastered to his head as water ran down the side of his face.

“Jamie.” His voice holds a strange tone…he wasn’t angry, but obviously frustrated with his current condition. “I planned my whole day around picking you up tonight, and nothing has gone right. I haven’t been home since this morning, I banged my hand with a hammer, I dropped my lunch from the top of a roof into a mud puddle, I got stuck in traffic, I got a flat tire, and I walked three miles in the pouring rain. I got flipped off by two drivers and almost run over by a semi. There’s no way I can go out like this tonight, but so help me, I’m here and I’m staying until I’m finished with what I came to say.”

Several people around the office stop what they’re doing as they hear Con’s raised voice. Heads peek around their cubicle doorways to see what was going on.

Con heaves a short irritated sigh. “If I had any sense at all, I would call off our date and go to bed where nothing else can go wrong. But after I’ve spent the last three weeks making myself sick over this whole thing, I don’t care what else gets in my way, I’m not going to put this off another day!”

All eyes in the office go ignored. Con can feel his pulse start to race and he struggles to maintain control as he reaches into his pocket. Withdrawing a small box that had amazingly stayed dry, he opens it up and removes the contents, setting the empty box aside. Holding the sparking diamond ring, his eyes drift to Jamie to lock with hers.

Lowering his large frame to one knee, he takes her hand gently in his, offering the gift.
He looks up at her face, searching for her answer. “Before anything else can go wrong, Jamie Franklin…will you marry me?”

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