

Con spins around as he hears a car slow and sees Jamie. His drops his shoulders a little, unafraid to show he's not too happy. But he doesn't exactly want to walk all the way back to his apartment. "Hey, Jamie." He slides into the passenger seat and shuts the door. "Sure, I'll take a lift. How about a new car too?" He rolls his eyes as he buckles his seat belt. "It's about time I got rid of that old bucket of bolts. Which direction you headed?"

A chuckle escapes as Jason's lips form a smile and he sits up. "I should have known better than to think I could get away with being in here without you knowing it. He gets up and closes the distance to Katie's bed. He sits down and reaches out to pull her into a big hug, just holding her tight for several moments before drawing away to look in her eyes. "You don't make it easy on a guy's conscience, you know that?" He grins, though his eyes show the seriousness of the thoughts running through his mind. "I didn't mean to leave you like I did...I guess I let my better judgment slip, and I'm sorry. Your friendship means the world to me, and I don't ever want to jeopardize it again." He lifts his arm to run the back of his hand down Katie's face. As he allows his eyes to assume their piercing gaze into hers, he suddenly realizes that his ultimate decision was already being tested. Looking at Katie now...her eyes were shining...she had a gentle peace about her...the setting sun cast its rays into the room to glint off her hair.

Jason's jaw tightens and he closes his eyes just a moment, forcing himself to withdraw his hand and refocus his train of thought. It's harder than he thought it would be. It was one thing to have made a decision on his own - it was another to be sitting here with Katie and to stick to that decision of friendship only.

"I, um...got your email. I was sorry to hear about you and Wyatt...glad you met the band though. I bet you all had fun."

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