
Drive Back

*So many thoughts and feelings run through Jamie's mind. Con had been her friend for ages and she had feelings for him for years. But was always scaired to show them. Now she layed her heart and feelings out on the table for Con. He need the deeper side of her. Would he push her away, pretend it dident happen, or would think bring them closer. Jamie cant help but hope. She couldent think of anyone she would rather be with than Con. As Jamie hears the bell she opens her eyes and stop leaning on the wall.*

"Ok..I can drive ya back if you want. I dont mind one bit."

*Jamie can feel Con's feeling of being a fool and only smiles. As she makes her way to her car she places her hand on Con shoulder not saying anything than removes it as she makes her way to her car to make there way back to Con's car.*

*Kaite leans back and thinks.* "Well...I know the band arnt bad people. I can just tell they are clean and good. As for Reese maybe he would feel safe about you being in the band if I was on the Security roster. I probley would be at the concerts anyways. And for puting them in danger, you should stop making people desitions for them..."

*Katie gives a wery grin hoping Jason wont take offence.*

"...and let them make the desition for themself. Kyle already thinks you part of the F.B.I.! Sooner or later I need to tell them about myself seeing as I am puting them in danger just as much as you are. If you want we can tell them together."

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