

*nods* "I'd like to meet him too. Also since you said he was a good friend he might want to meet your future wife." *Angel smile widens.* " I rather like the sound of that. If I can help in any way let me know."

*Wendy looks at Cint with worry.* "How come so little? Is everything ok?" * The consern shows in her eyes.*

*Katie smiles at Jason and nods. Heading to the kitchen she turns and see Jade with Jason. Katie lets out a long sigh telling herself not to be jealouse. Katie glances at Con than looks away. Grabing a cup of OJ for Jason she grabs some pain killers too. She also grabs some coffee for herself. Going back to the table with Jason she gives him the OJ and pills.* "I thought you could use these for your knee." *Katie smiles and sits down.* "Those cookies sure do look good."

~*~Somewhere Alse.~*~

*BJ sits quitly and eats his oatmeal. Talking with his mout full he askes.* "Sham....can..I gosh outshide today?"

*Sam turns from the sink and smiles.* "If you stop talking with your mouth full I will think about it."

*BJ puts his hand over his mouth and chews.* " I forgot do wash a train does....CHEW CHEW CHEW." *BJ makes his hands flot through the air like a train.*

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