

*As morning breaks Katie sits up and let out a big yawn. Staying up half the night making stuff tells its own story in her eyes. Carring an arm full of stuff Katie makes her way to Jason's Bunk. Katie hurrys to put up a welcome home sign, and some flower on his table along with a card. Than she heads to the mess hall to wait.*

*Angel eners the mess hall and see Luke.* "Hey Sweety. Did you sleep good last night? I slept like a rock."

*Wendy enters to find CLint is not there yet. make a place at the table she waits for him.*

*Wes makes his way to the mess hall. Apon entering he lets out a big bear yarn and throws his arms in the air.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*As morning breaks the small child opens his eyes. Hoping out of bed he walks over to the window and looks out. The sun was shining today was a new day. The little boy walks over to his toys and pulls out some trucks. The knob on the door rattles and opens. A tall woman steps into the room. The little boy turns and looks up.* “Sam…Stan yelled at me and locked me in my room again last night.”
*Sam looks at the boy and smiles bending down eye level with the boy.* “Were you being a good boy while I was gone for him BJ?”
*BJ shakes his heads and runs his trucks across the ground.* “No. I only asked him why he called me Jason and you called me BJ though. He would not anwer me so I got mad and threw my ball at him.”
*Sam sits down on the ground with BJ and starts to play with his other truck with him.* “Well.. your name really is Jason. But I know another boy named Jason. So I call you BJ so people know I am talking about you and not the other boy.”
*BJ smashes his truck into Sam’s.* “Oh ok. Can I have some breakfast now?” *Sam smiles and stands. Holding out her hand she takes BJ’s.* “Sure you can.”

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