

Sapphire nods again. She had started the scans already and just waiting for the resalts.

"Ok, I'm on it. As soon as I get any results I will bring them to you."

Turning Sapphire turns and heads back to her cubicle sitting down at the computer. Typing continues as she lifts her glass to the top of her head and continues her work.

Listing and looking at Scott Hope cant help but feel her chest tighten as Scott yells for her to get out. Though her heart hurt at Scott's words Hope was determaned to not let it show.

Looking to Rick Hope gives him a small nod before walking over to Scott. Laying her hand on his arm gently for a moment Hope gives a small smile.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing Scott. I was worryed about my friend."

Giving a small sigh Hope backs up a little bit.

"I know you dont want me to be here, and thats ok. You know I am only a phone call away Scott so when you feel like you need a friend I will come ok?"

Turning around Hope walks back over to Rick giving a nod.

"I cant be here if he dosnt want me to be. Keep me up to date on how he is doing ok? When he needs me I'll be close by."

Taking Derek hand in his own and than Jay's he gives a half smile. It was an honnor to meet them both Nate only wished it was under differnt reasons. Katie ment so much to them all once Jay found out everything he could only imagen what it would feel like to him.

"Well as you both know Katie had been taken and we dont have any real leads yet on where to go. We have people working twords it and trying there best but..."

Continuing Nate goes into detail about what was going on and how the Agency asked for them. He let them know about Phinox, and the fake lead they had.

Trying to keep is stop the speach seems to take a longer rout leaving out they had footage of Katie.

Nate wanted to soften the blow though he new no matter what it wouldnt matter. It would come fast, it would come hard and nothing could stop it.

"..there is something else too. The agency has wanted us to see Katie and what they are doing to her. We have seen the torcher and its not a pretty sight."

Nate steps aside knowing Carson was probley making sure no one would see the tv untill he could explain.

"Carson, let them see."

Turning and heading over Nate stands knowing this will be a shock for Jay and feeling sorry all at the same time.

"We are doing all we can, we will find her."

As Clint starts to laugh out of controll Wendy looks to him and than her mom for a moment. For a seconded she almost though he has lost his mind untill she felt a small laugh of her own form in her throat. They couldnt cry, or curse what had happened. It was there mistake and they were willing to now take the responcibility for there actions. There family was starting out young, and maybe the wrong way, but it had happend. Something good would come from the bad, two somethings good.

"I love you too."

Slipping out of the room Alice heads in the way she saw Kyle go. Turning the courner and seeing him by the drinking fountain Alice just watches him for a moment. Giving a shake of her head as she see him pop the pills. If only Kyle would rely on himself more and stoped taking those things.

Continuing again she keeps a bounce in her step as she comes up behind him and throws an arm over his shoulder. Leaning close to him for a moment keeping her voice light hearted.

"You know, God can be a great upper too and he dosent make you constapated, and you dont have to wast money on refills."

Alice cant help the laugh that followed. She wanted to get Kyle to stop taking those pills but she new it had to be done in a delicit mannor. For the last time she had tryed she now new that.

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