

*Katie steps out of the bathroom her hair still wet and having a messed up look. Making her way to her desk Kaite stuffs her backpack under it. Siting down Katie kicks her computer on. Reaching over Katie also flips on her raido. Something felt off today even though she had a great night last night and shair something special with Scott. Today just seemed gloomy.*

"Thanks for tuning into 98.9 your morning raido station. We are gonna play a song we havent hurd in a bit. So sit back, grab the one you love and just relax and let the words touch your heart."

*...a soft music plays and Jason's voice sounds.*

I traveled along, Down that dusty road.
Didn’t have nothin’, Bore a heavy load.
Then you came along, You opened my eyes.
Took my hand, Disproved all my lies.

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much....

*In one swift movment Katie turns off the raido but it was to late the damage was done. Katie eyes are wide as the tears find there way to the surfice. No, not now. She couldent break down now. She was trying to get over Jason. She was trying to move on and doing so good. She wanted to start something with Scott, Katie liked him. And now...she she was breaking all over again. Opening her draw she reaches in to grab some tissue to have her hand find one of the dryed out roses Jason has given her. Drawing her hand back holding it for a moment Katie cant take it and her tears come more. Folding her arms on her desk she burys her face in them and just crys trying her best to keep her sobs under controll and quiet. Katie's heart was breaking again, everyting she worked on get up and over Jason had now broke and she was back to step one.*

*Misty makes her way across the main floor heaving for breath. Carson had beat her to work today but it wasent fair. He had a head start. Smiling she makes her way across the floor to Carson's cubicle. Seeing he is on the phone she stops for a moment catching his eye she mouths "Don't worry I'll get you." Grinning and making the rest of the way to the infermary. Entering she smiles at Scott than Rick.*

"So how is our pashent doing this morning?"

*As Wes works he cant get his mind off Cindy. He was certin if something was wrong he would of been contacted by now. Trying to consintrate on his work he makes a mentil not to call her later. He new she had said if it was nothing searous she would walk home seeing as it was so nice out. Wes lets out a sigh a smile spreading on his face. Cindy was so independent, yet very dependent on Wes and he loved it.*

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