
Can't take it

Carson glances up as Misty walks by and gives her a smirk. He wants to say something, but is stuck on the phone, so he resists, just pointing a teasing finger at her.

As she walks away, he keeps up the dialogue with Tommy. “Look, I don’t know what kind of game you guys are playing, but I’m getting downright tired of it. …This is coming from me, no one else. ….Yes…we’ll listen to anything if you got it. Why the holdup? ….Yeah…” Carson gropes for a note on his desk. He had the secure number written down here somewhere. It was a line to TJY that Scott had set up that couldn’t be traced. He relays the number. “Pass that on and tell them that if we don’t hear soon, forget it. We’re not playing these games.”

Ending the call, Carson sighs. He’d just totally overstepped his bounds by doing this without Reese’s approval, but he hadn’t lied – he was tired of this. And he was the only contact someone from the other side might listen to at this point, to relay a message. Especially Tommy…he was scared to death of Carson and would do just about anything.

Rolling his eyes, Carson gets up from his desk. Now he was going to go finish that conversation with Misty.

He exits his cubicle and makes his way across the floor, heading for the hall. Just as he’s rounding the corner though, his ears pick up on the sound of soft crying. What the? He looks around. Not everybody was at work yet… Furrowing his brow, he doesn’t turn, but instead heads down the row of cubicles, finally coming to Katie’s.

His eyes widen, seeing her hunched over her desk, sobbing. He hesitates at first, not knowing what to do. But glancing around, no one else is close. Awkwardly, he sidles in next to Katie, his hand hovering over her shoulder for a moment before he actually decides to touch her. “Katie…are you okay?” He tries to think of someone who might be able to help. Jason… oh, no, not Jason. Scratch that. Scott! No…if this was about Jason, that could be a bad choice, and he was in the infirmary anyway. Wyatt! Carson grimaces. There was a past there too.

“What’s wrong, Katie? What do you need?”

Scott looks up and grins. “Hey, I can talk too. I’m feeling fine. When can I get out of here?”

Rick shakes a finger at him. “Not as soon as you like, I’ll tell you that.” He turns to Misty. “If we can get him to just listen to us once, he’ll be fine.”

Jason slams his filing drawer shut, his frustration building. It was strange…he could keep all his emotions bottled up inside without letting them out, yet they still made themselves known through his actions.

Heaving a sigh, he gives up. This was just stupid. Reese knew he needed time to adjust, so he knew he wasn’t going to get fired over leaving work again.

Jason rolls his eyes and leaves everything as-is in his office, leaving even the computer on. Heading out, he doesn’t know what his destination is, but he can’t sit here…he can’t stay at TJY.

Cindy paces the kitchen, thinking…worrying…thinking some more. Wes would be wondering about her….she knew she didn’t have to call him, but she wanted to.

Finally picking up the phone, she calls the shop. “Hey, hun… I’m home. I just.. um…well, whenever you get home, there’s something I need to tell you, so… I’ll let you know what Angel said when we have time to sit down.”

Finishing the call, Cindy wanders to the living room, glad the couch was there now, and curls up in the corner, her mind going a million places at once.

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