

Scott smirks at Misty. “Hey now…you can’t hold slurred gibberish against any man when it was drug-induced.” He tries to keep his face from reddening. He did remember some of what he’d said, whether he’d admit it aloud or not. “I guess you’re right though. I wouldn’t want to rip out my stitches while on a date either.” He grimaces. “Not a pretty picture.”

Rick shakes his head and turns his attention to Misty. “Well, we still got the rest of those blood analysis reports to create, and since we don’t have anyone to look after except Scott, we’re free to resume some studies that I started a while back. I’ve got several subjects I was studying…one was bone replacement, the other was nerve repair.” He shrugs. “You know how to keep yourself busy, so have at it.”

Carson looks at Katie with helpless sympathy. He didn’t know how to offer comfort…he didn’t know how to tell her that it would be okay. It was a rueful realization that he was so rough and tumble that he’d never been in this position before.

He looks around again, but still, no one else is in sight. Sighing, he starts to rub Katie’s shoulders gently. “I’ve been there, Katie…I’ve been there.” He’d been so distraught over losing Misty that he’d made himself physically sick. “You can’t let this rule you,” He directs softly. He saw Jason every night…he saw the anger…he knew that the two of them had given up on their relationship and it was probably for the best from what he’d seen. But he knew it didn’t hurt any less.

Racking his brain, Carson finally decides that him trying to comfort Katie was ridiculous. Maybe it was a bad choice, but it was his only choice right now. “Come on,” he prompts. He takes Katie by the arms and lifts her up out of her chair, slinging an arm around her for support. “This is no place to cry your eyes out alone.

Carson guides Katie across the floor, then down the hall to the infirmary, pushing the door open with his foot. Rick and Misty were on the far end in the middle of a discussion and Scott was sitting up in bed.

Scott’s eyes widen at seeing Katie. “What happened? What’s wrong?” He looks to Carson for answers.

Carson simply guides Katie to the chair next to the bed, setting her down gently. “Uh…rough morning,” is all he’ll explain. He’s not going to tell the new guy in Katie’s life that she was crying over her ex boyfriend. Backing away, he leaves the two alone.

Scott looks to Katie with worry. “What is it, Katie? What happened?”

Jason sinks into the booth near the back of Mom and Pop’s, heaving a weary sigh. He didn’t know why he’d chosen this place. All it did was feed his misery as he thought about all the memories that were tied up here. But it was almost as if he were feeding off that torture. The good feelings weren’t there to keep him going…it was misery that was driving him at this point.

Cindy looks up from her place on the couch and manages a slight smile as Wes comes and sits next to her. Her face grows solemn and she thinks for several moments.

“I, um…had a long talk with her.” She swallows hard and looks down. “It’s…it’s more than just the flu that’s been bothering, me Hun. It’s…a lot more serious than that.”

Glancing up to see Wes’ eyes, Cindy moves to adjust her weight and slide onto his lap, resting her head on his shoulder. Her voice is grim. “It’s going to change a lot of things…and I’m going to have to do some things differently….and you’re going to have to help me out…”

She pauses again, her smile hidden from view. Unable to stand the suspense any longer, she lifts her head to whisper in his ear. “We’re gonna have a baby.”

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