
Hold Me

*As Scott's fingers run through Katie's hair A calming feeling runs over her. Her heart was still heavy, and breaking in bits, but it was as if someone suddanly entered and was slowly picking them up as they fell. Catching them, and holding them with care. Ready to start building again.

Katie eyes still filled with tears looks Scott in the eye. Studding the meaning of his words, looking deep into the pools of green Katie can feel a few more bricks taken off her back. Slowly but one by one the would be removed. There was something about Scott that drove away the emotions when Katie was with him. Something she couldent explain, but it wasent something to fear.

Slowly Katie stands from the chair and slowly climbs over to the bed lowering herself next to Scott. Trying her best note to put to much pressure on him to cause him pain. Curling up next to him Katie burys her face in his chest as her sobs soften but are still there. Softly whispering.*

"Hold me Scott. I wante to feel close to you."

*Aerith watches Jason for a moment before noding and turning away. Going behind the counter she pours a tall glass of OJ. Before heading back over to Jason Mable stops Aerith and hands her an apple, and banana.*

"Tell him those are from me and he needs to eat them."

*Aerith nods geting the sence that Mable and Herb know Jason more than just he comes in alot for food. Going over to Jason she puts the glass down along with the apple and banana.*

"Mable said you should eat those."

*Before turning to leave Aerith smiles at Jason. Aerith could tell by the look on Jason's face he seemed lost. She felt bad for him even though she dident know who he was. Taking a leap of faith Aerith wonders if maybe she can make another friend around this place. God had sent her so many so fast already. Maybe this was another one to add to her growing resons of why to stay.*

"I'm Aerith by the way. Its nice to meet you Jason."

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