
A Memorie

*Katie mind reels as her crys continue. Why did this happen, why did God let it? She was so happy and her life got turned upside down so fast. Her feelins were confused and lost. She liked being around Scott and being with him, she wanted to try something more than a friendship with him as well. But Jason wasent out of her system yet. Would he ever be?

Katie gives alittle jump springing her head up at Carson's voice. She hadent relized anyone alse was at work besids Rick and she felt foolish for leting anyone hear her cry. Trying to push her emotions away this time Katie cant. Looking at Carson her eyes streaked with tears as they still flow she speaks softly.*

"I need...my life to go back to the way it was...and I know it cant. I need everything to be ok, and to stop feeling like this. Its hurts so bad and I dont know how to deal with it anymore. I thought I did and I though I was doing so well but, than one the raido I hurd a song wrote and found one oh his roses he sent me. It all hurts so much Carson and I dont know how to get past it so it wont anymore. I just feel so broken. I dont know what I need anymore."

*Katie sobs continue as she trys to gane controll but feels it slipping farther and farther away. Katie felt so hopless a prisoner to her own emotions.*

*Misty looks to Rick and grins than looks back to Scott.*

"You can talk? Last time I hurd you it was all a bunch of slerred jibberish and you can get out as soon as you can move without wincing in pain. We dont need you ripping out your stiches. Cuz if you ask me being on a hot date and geting them covered in blood is not my idea of a fun time.But thats just me.*

"Misty srugs and turns back to Rick her grin even bigger.*

"So whats on the agenda today boss?"

*Nate makes his way across the parking lot. Seeing Jason come out of the building he gives a wave but receaving nothing back he shrugs and heads inside. Nate had a great time with Laura lastnight and was still smiling from it.

Making his way across the floor Nate siting down at his desk he looks around for his folders on the case with Mick. Rembering he gave them to Jason he lets out a long sigh. He has some stuff he needed to look up and he needed those files. Knowing Jason already had left Nate figured he wouldent mind if he went ahead and just poped into his office to grab the folders he needed..

Heading to Jason's office Nate slowly and quietly closes the door behind him going to Jason's desk. Finding the folder on top Nate picks it up only to have a few papers fall out. Bending down to pick them up Nate's eyes fall to rest on the picture inside the trash can. Reaching into and taking it out Nate just studys it for a long moment. What a wonderful memorie to be captured. Nate racks his brain trying to figure out why Jason would toss this. Weather he and Katie were together or not. Most people would do anything to have a memorie as sweet as this one. Nate new Jason would regret it one day if he threw it away. Placing the picture on Jason's desk Nate grabs a sticky note and jots a few things down.

“Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.”

“God gave us memories that we might have roses in the winter.”

“And even if you were in some prison, the walls of which let none of the sounds of the world come to your senses - would you not then still have your childhood, that precious, kingly possession, that treasure-house of memories?”

Nate places the note with the picture on the desk and takes the folders he needed exiting Jason's office and going to his own cubicle.*

*As Wes hangs up the phone with Cindy a suddon worry comes over him. He's knows Cindy said everything was ok but he couldent help noticing the tone in her voice. Clint hadent arrived at work yet but should be in soon. Grabing a peace of paper Wes writes a quick note.

Something was going on at home after Cindy went to see Angel. I'm not sure what it is yet but I left to make sure she was ok. As long as everything turns out alright I will be back before lunch. Eather way I'll give you a call. Hold everything down for me here ok. Thanks alot Clint dont get into to much trouble with Wendy while I am gone.


Wes tacks the letter onto the shop door so Clint could see it when he came into work.

Geting into his truck Wes makes his way home driving alittle faster than normal ankshes to see Cindy and make sure everything was ok with his own eyes. After a few more moments of driving Wes parks the Truck and gets out heading into to find Cindy. Steping in He calls to her.*

"Hun, I know you told me not to worry..."

*Walking into the living room he see Cindy curled up on the coutch and smiles siting down next to her and puting his arm around her.*

"I know you told me not to worry, but I wanted to make sure everything was ok myself. I could sence something in your voice but I am not sure what it was. What did Angel say was wrong sweetheart?"

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