

*Misty thinks for a moment decieding what she wanted to do for a day.*

"I think I would like to work some with the nerve repair. That sounds intresting and maybe something I could figure out. So if ya dont mind shairing what you have already with me that would be great."

*Misty could feel the enxitment of something new to work on. She loved doing research and figuring new things out. It was something Misty lived for, Helping people.

Looking up as the door opens Misty looks to Rick with question as Carson brings Katie back into the room next to Scott. It looked like she had been crying. When only moments before she looked happy and ok.*

*Katie keeps her head down as her tears still flowed. She dident want to be alone but, was it the best idea to talk to Scott about this. In Katie's mind she yells at herself that was silly, She and Scott made a promise she could turn back on it. If she couldent do anything alse with him right at least she could do this.*

"At this point I am so angry at myself. I like you Scott. I like you alot. It hit me hard, it hit me fast and I want to start something with you. But my heart refuses to let go it wont let me be happy. I was doing so well with my falls blocking Jason out, and geting over him. Than this morning on the raido I hurd the song he wrote for me and I found one of the roses he gave me. I hate this feeling Scott."

*Katie's sobs continue even though she trys to stop them. The emotions they were so great pushing to the limits.*

"I feel so safe, so comfortable with you Scott. You give me the scurity feeling at times I need.. Last night I had so much fun and I ment ever moment, every emotions that was portrayed in that kiss..I felt happy...and now this morning I feel broken again and I just dont know. I'm so scaired I am going to lose you to, and I dont want to keep bring Jason up to you eather cuz I am sure that cant feel good for you. I just want to be myself again and be happy with you."

*Katie burys her face in her hands. She felt so foolish, so childish, she felt shame. Last was bliss, this morning was misery.*

*Worrys cross Wes face as Cindy talks. She was saying something more serouse was wrong with her. Wes waits intently for Cindy to continue. As Cindy slips into his lap he wraps his arms around her. Holding her tightly but gently.*

"What is it Hun, Whatever it is I am here and I wont go anywere. We will make it through anything."

*Wes grows quiet again as Cindy starts to speak just holding her offering her protection and comfort. As Cindy lifts her head and whispers in Wes' ear he freezes. A....a baby...All time seemed to stop as Wes takes in the new. A smile soon forms on Wes face as he leans down planting a big kiss on Cindys' lip than leaning his forhead aganst her.*

"A baby...I'm...I'm going to be a Daddy."

*The new was unexspected but happy and joyes non the less. Wes blood pumps, and his excitment grows.*


*Wes stands up still holding Cindy cradled in his arms spinning in a small circle with her. The biggest happyest smile on his face. His joy and emotions here high he felt like he was floating. God had given him so much already and now he had add another wondeful thing to Wes already perfect life. Gently laying Cindy down on the coutch again Wes leans over her and gives her another kiss drawing away and looking her deep in the eyes.*

"I love you so much."

*Gently Wes puts his hand on Cindy's tummy.*

"And I love you to little one."

*Hearing the bell on the door at Mom and Pop's ring Aerith look up to see a man with a scowl on his face enter and sit in her section. Heaving a sigh Aerith cant help but notice the man look in pain, and very unhappy. Slowly walks over to the booth in the back where he sat Aerith smiles.*

"Hi, can I get you something to drink?"

*Aerith puts a menu down in front of the man for him to look at.*

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