
Getting up

Rick makes his way across the main floor, muttering to himself about the folder he'd forgotten to take home with him tonight. It was late, but he hadn't been able to sleep, and wanted to go over some of the analysis reports Misty had prepared. While he was here, he might as well check on Scott too. He'd noticed Katie's car in the parking lot though, and knew that he would already have been alerted if anything was wrong.

Entering the infirmary, Rick stops short at the scene. The television was still on but quiet, there were dishes on the counter, a dog bowl on the floor, playing cards in a pile at the foot of the bed. Apparently Scott had been well entertained tonight.

Looking at Katie and Scott's sleeping forms, Rick almost opens his mouth to wake them. This was completely unacceptable. But he stops himself, his softness coming through. He'd been there once. And there could not be a more innocent scene than this - of that, Rick was confident. He knew both Katie and Scott too well to even think otherwise.

Moving quietly, he picks up the playing cards and puts them away, moves the television back against the wall out of the way and picks up the dog dish. Finding an old blanket in the corner closet, he folds it up and puts it on the floor before gently removing Domino from the bed, placing her on her own bed for the night. Noiselessly, Rick takes Scott's blanket that had been shoved to the end of the bed, and pulls it up over both sleeping individuals.

He had questions about the relationship he was witnessing, but there had been enough clues that he need not ask. The picture painted was one he knew was true, and though not knowing details, he was not one to judge. The faces he saw here were too peaceful. God was sending His blessings.

Still moving quietly, Rick gathers the file he needs and makes his exit, turning out the light on his way.

Laura simply smiles her reply to Nate, unable to think of any words to say. She tightens her fingers around his for the walk back up the beach, and simply relishes in the memory of what had transpired only moments before. Right now...in this instant...she was happy.

Arriving back at her home, she hesitates just a moment before getting out of Nate's car. Turning to him, she leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Nate, for....for everything." True gratefulness shines in her eyes. "For this evening...for waiting for me...for helping me."

Giving his hand a squeeze, she aims for the door handle. "I can walk myself in," she adds gently, her smile remaining.

Heading up the walk and inside, she felt as if she was floating on air. Shutting the door behind her, she scoops up an anxious Henry, giggling as she buries her face in his fur. "Don't be mad at me," she chides, convincing him to purr with a scratch behind his ears. "I was having the time of my life."

Con gives Jamie's shoulder a squeeze, grinning ruefully as he sees how well she can read him. "Being your full-time protector is one of the things I enjoy the most."

Steering Jamie to the passenger side, he opens the door for her to let her in, then gets around behind the steering wheel to take her home.

Arriving back at her house, he throws her a smile. "I'll probably have to work late tomorrow, which leaves supper out, but the next night, let's do dinner at your folks' place. We haven't given your mother something to gawk at in a while." He chuckles, throwing Jamie a wink.

Wyatt smiles at Aerith. "Sure we can do this again sometime." In the back of his mind, he hoped they could...he hoped he wouldn't be behind bars instead. But he had to have faith...and he would live now as if everything at TJY would turn out okay. "I had a lot of fun."

Taking Aerith back home, Wyatt almost hates to drop her off. He knew she wasn't happy with her grandmother, and just wished he could help her out somehow. But he wouldn't know how, nor was it her place.

"Well you take care of yourself, and I'll be around."

Morning seems to come all too early. For some it was a refreshment, for others it was the dismal reminder that a new day must start.

Jason sits on the couch and laces up his boots, the scowl on his face reflecting the way he felt. Last night's practice had been a disaster, and the night had only proved to amplify all of his moods, forming them into one big ball of irritation that could be set off by the slightest thing.

Carson comes back into the apartment, returning from his run with Misty, breathing heavily. Going for a glass of water, her pauses by Jason. "Morning."


Carson raises an eyebrow. "Somebody get up on the wrong side of bed this morning?"

Jason throws him a glare. "I don't have a bed."

"Mattress then." All Carson receives is Jason's back as the door is slammed shut. So much for that.

Rick slowly opens the infirmary door, cautiously glancing around before turning on the lights. He was not surprised to see Katie and Scott still together. It looked as though neither had moved all night. But he knew that at this hour if he didn't wake them, it would be their luck to have someone walk in on them they wouldn't want.

Moving to Katie, Rick gives her shoulder a gentle pat. "Hey...Katie, hun... you might want to be getting up."

Cindy opens her eyes slowly, noting that dim sunlight was streaming into the window through the blinds. It was morning, but she didn't feel like rising. She was curled up next to Wes with his arm resting around her and she didn't want to move. But a sudden lurch to her stomach warns her that if she doesn't, she was going to get sick right here.

Moving quickly, she scoots out from under Wes' arm, throwing off her blanket and stumbling into the adjoining bathroom to lean over the toilet. Why was she getting sick again? Certainly a flu bug wouldn't have hung on this long. And she'd felt fine last night...

Kneeling on the floor, a thought suddenly lodges itself into her mind, and her eyes widen. No...it couldn't be...could it? She calculates in her mind, and a chill runs down her spine. Surely it wasn't...

Another round of throwing up ceases her thought process for a moment. But now she's sure of one thing...she would be seeing Angel today.

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