
Night coming to an end

* Katie's eyes starts to grow heavy as she hears the music from the ending of the movie. The song that was playing was soft and added to Katies drowsyness. Tilting her head ever so slightly Katie smiles down at Domino and than up at Scott. Watching him sleep for a moment Katie smiles and lays her head back down on Scott shoulder. Slowly her eyes drift closed. She only wanted to sleep alittle bit before she made her drive home. Just an hour or two would be fine. Soon Katie is fast asleep as time slips by just leting the 3 sleep comfortable, and contently.*

*Nate keeps his hold on Laura as she rests her head on his shoulder. One hand rubbing her back and the other running through her hair softly as he rests is head on her and looks out at the water. He had found his peace, He has found Laura, and she had found him. God gave Nate his second chanse and this time he wouldent mess it up.

After standing on the beach for a few moments later Nate glances at his watch. He dident want this night to end but new they both had to be up early in the morning. Slowly drawing away but still keeping his arms around Laura he smiles down at her his eyes sparkling.*

"Well I better get you home before Henry had my head for keeping you out to late."

*Nate cant help but laugh at his silly little joke.*

"In all honesty I wouldent mind staying in this moment forever, but I know life moves on. As long as your there I'm willing to look forward tomarrow. And is tomarrow ever going to come early."

*Nate smile widens as she lets go of Laura and takes her hand in his. There fingers wraped around eahother. Nate walks with Laura back to the car. This night had been more than Nate had exspected and he loved every moment of it.*

*Jamie's hands come up to Con's arms as a smile forms. Con dident need to say anything and she new what he was thinking. She new it probley was hard on him to see his sister break away and be her own person. Jamie dident have any other siblings of her own so she dident know what it was like. But she could guess it really was hard.*

"You will always be her protecter Con. Even though she is leaning to someone alse. She know she can find protection in you and when she needs it, she will come."

*Jamie turns her head and smiles up at Con.*

"I know its not the same but you can be my protector full time if you want."

*Jamie turns her head to Con's arm and gives it alittle kiss. Jamie new she dident have to tell him to be her protector he already was. From even when they first met Con had always looked out for Jamie. Jamie was content and happy. Life was turning out just fine after all.*

*Aerith looks at her watch seeing the late time it was. Leting out a sigh she stands with Wyatt.*

"Wow I dident relize how later it was. Time flys when your having fun. I have to be nice and early again tomarrow for work. So I guess your right and we should head out."

*As Aerith walks with Wyatt a smile never leaves her face. It was nice to get out with Wyatt and it was nice to meet some new people. Aeirth couldent remember the last time she had this much fun. She hoped this wouldent be the only time and there would be more to come.*

"Thank you Wyatt for the wonderful night. I had a great time and would like to do it again sometime if you ever want. Its always nice to get away and just let your mind free."

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