
An unexspected date

*Aerith smiles as she takes the flowers. Pressing her noes into one and smells it. Slowly Aerith lifts her eyes to Wyatt the flowers still covering her face just a bit her smile in place.*

"Thank you Wyatt. They are very pertty."

*Mable makes her way over to Wyatt and Aerith's table. One would think she was bring the food but insted Mable takes out 2 candle stix as Herb makes his way to the restront door and flips the sign around than goes back to the back room. Mable lights the candles and smile.*

"Work can wait for alittle bit. Now you both are having a date. Life is to short to let it slip by Wyatt remember that."

*Mable heads back into the back and after drawing the shades and diming the lights puting on some soft music.

Aerith's face turns bright red the the intentions of a romanic date. She had been angry with him but it all seemed to disapear now.*

"Ok I liked he flowers and than this, was this was a good idea of an apolige Wyatt."

* Aittle times pass and Mable brings out the drinks. Then within moments she brings out a mixture of differnt things for the meal.*

"I know this isent to fancy but we did our best with what we have. So for your eating pleasure we have, steak pinwheels. They have cheese, and spinage in them. We have the triditonal Pizza slices you like Wyatt. There are some chicken fingers, stuffed chicken, Patoto skins, and grean beans. Enjoy."

*Once again Mable walks away from the table and disapreas into the back room.

Aerith smile is still on her face. How for the short time she had been here already she had grow to love Herb and Mable. They were so nice and kind to people it was wonderful to see.*

*Katie sits down on the floor and cross her legs her back to the door. Pulling Domino into her lap she gently runs her hand down the small dogs hear and back.*

"Dont worry Scott will be better soon and than he can spend more time with you. Bet you miss him dont you. I guess we get use to have someone around all the time that when they cant be its hard and we feel lost huh."

*Katie keeps peting Domino gently and scritching her ears.*

"Its hard when you really cant talk to anyone about it eather. Its gonna be ok Domino. We all survive someone how right?"

*A small tear trickles down Katie face as she leans her head down to bury it in the small dogs fur wanting to just hide from the world.*

*Misty turns around from preping another needle and sets it down on the counter for now. Going over to Scott she shakes her head grining*

"I think I liked you better when you were doped up Mr. Smarty pants. As for the food, I think I'll let you starve."

*Misty exits the room with a smile on her face only to reapear moments later with some soup and crackers. With a glass of ginger ale.*

"Here ya go. I figured I wouldent starve you. Rick, and Reese let Carson and I get away with alot. But I dont think he would let me get away with that one."

*Misty hands the tray to Scott and than walks back to the counter.*

"Go on and eat that up before I give you some more painkillers. From here on out you will be loopy but not as bad."

*Nate lets out a sigh and stands paying the bills.*

"Maybe this is just a sugestion when your ready you should sit down with Katie and talk. I think it would help but thats what I think. Alright lets blow this popicle stand."

*Nate gets up and makes his way to the door.*

*Angel smiles at Luke as she heads to the tack room helping him. Once siting down each with there own sattles Angel giggles.*

"You'd find another way to survive, but I think two is better than one and I like spending my time with you no matter what we are doing."

*Angel gets a soft brush and starts to rub some oil on one of the saddles.*

*Wes smiles down in Cindy giving her a kiss in the cheek.*

"Ok, I'll stay with you."

*Wes walks about the other side of the bed and kicks off his shoes. Climbing into the bed Wes snuggles up next to Cindy wraping his arm around her and drawing her close to him as he lays on his back. Resting his head on her gently running his hand through her hair.*

*As a half hour pass Jamie sits at the table still waiting for Con. She was dressed today in a baby blue tanktop with a shear white button up top over top of it only the bottom few buttons done up. and a pare of Black dress pants. A waiter comes up to her table.*

"Are you ready to order ma'am?"

"Oh no thank you. I'm waiting for someone. Could I get some water please though?"


*The waiting leaves and Jamie lets out alittle sigh. She felt kind of silly waiting alone in the booth. Con usaly ran late but this is the latest he ever was. Pulling out her phone she dials Con's number and waits.*

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