

Scott rests back in his pillows as Katie leaves, a grin pasted on his face. He closes his eyes and drifts in and out of light sleep, though forces himself to stay fairly awake. He didn’t want to miss supper with Katie, not to mention he wanted to help be the distraction he knew she needed right now.

Domino paces the floor, wanders out into the hall, finds Kaite, sits a while, then wanders back to Scott, jumping up on the bed with him to curl up at his side.

Scott rolls his eyes and sets his hand on her. “You silly mutt. Just be glad Rick is gone so he can’t see you up here.”

Con gives Jamie a smirk. “I’m waiting for my girlfriend, what do you think I’m doing?” Receiving her kiss, he returns it, breaking it as he can’t help his smile. “If this is how I get repaid for missing a date, you better keep a close eye on me, or I’m liable to miss one on purpose.”

Backing out of the drive, he throws Jamie a teasing glance, and aims out of town, heading for the ice cream place by the lake.

Once there, he parks and waits for Jamie, slinging an arm over her shoulders and guiding her towards the window to order where they could get their ice cream before finding a spot outside to sit.

Laura giggles at Nate. “Knight in shining armor, huh? That makes me feel like a princess.” She grins as she gets into the car. It was good to get out. The stress had been getting to her at TJY with so many unknowns lately, and Nate’s spontaneous dates lately had been just what she’d needed… She was getting used to them too, and secretly looking forward to each one.

Wyatt puts his jeep in gear as soon as Aerith is inside. He grins a little at her calling him handsome, though doesn’t say what’s on his mind. “Alright, tonight it’s ice cream by the beach…. Not exactly an ocean, but the best thing we got around here.” He chuckles. “Not to mention the best ice cream. The drive is worth it.”

After a short while, he pulls into the parking lot. Joining Aerith outside, he takes the lead, but stops once. “Well, hey, looks like I can introduce you to some of my friends.” A smile spreads across his face. “See that tank of a man up at the window with that woman? That’s Con and Jamie. Come on, you should meet them.”

Wyatt gestures with his head, enthusiastic about getting Aerith to know more people.

Trent looks up, and is a bit grateful for Rosetta’s company. He hadnt’ wanted to end the night out with the lonely feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“Yeah…I’ve missed you too.”

Rosetta’s arm around his shoulders feels so warm, yet so strange. He only hoped he could be deserving of it. “Thanks for…well, for letting me stay I guess. I know I don’t deserve the second chance.”

Looking around, Trent’s eyes land on BJ. He’d seen the child all evening, and it was one of the many questions still unanswered. “Is BJ….I mean…does he belong to you?”

“So I was thinking we could do ‘Flying High’ and then Neutral Zone’ at the end, and…” Kyle looks up from the papers on his keyboard to see Jason sitting on the floor several feet away, absentmindedly plucking his guitar strings. “Are you listening to anything?”

“Hmm?” Jason’s mind had been everywhere but practice ever since he’d come to Mike’s tonight, Kyle had called him early and he’d agreed just to avoid questions, but now he wasn’t so sure it had been a good idea.”

Kyle rolls his eyes. He knows Jason hasn’t felt the greatest since getting back, but doesn’t want to treat him with kid gloves either. “Pretend you heard me. Now for the middle, I figured we could use just a bit of a lull, give people’s ears a break. How ‘bout you filling in with ‘Hey Little Boy’?”

Jason thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. “Nah, not this time.”

“Why not? Everybody loves it, and you’re the only one who can do a good job with it.”

Jason shakes his head again. “I’d rather not do that one.”

“Oh, come on. We’ve had people ask about it, but I never wanted to do it because I knew I couldn’t as well as you. It’ll be perfect.”

“Pick another song.”


“I don’t want to do that one, Kyle!” Jason doesn’t mean to raise his voice, but he was tired of getting picked on. ‘Little Boy’ hit too close to home right now. Sure, he’d written it, and he’d been alright singing it before, but now…he just didn’t want to do it.

Kyle’s eyes widen. Jason had never snapped at him before. Maybe he’d pushed, but he didn’t think he’d deserved that. “I…”

Phil’s hand on his shoulder cuts him off. His brother shakes his head, signaling Kyle to let it drop.

Kyle shrugs lamely. “Alright. Scratch that one then. Mike? You got anything you prefer?”

Practice proceeds on an even keel, though most of the banter and laughing filters between the two brothers and Mike as Jason sets himself apart, letting his mind wander to other places.

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