
Last visit?

Mackenzie gives a little sigh, but nods. She didn't believe Angelical a hundred percent that everything would be okay, but shed' said all she could.

Reaching out, she takes the phone, slipping it between her jeans and tucked-in shirt, her jacket hiding it. Angelica's card went into her pocket.

She looks at Angelica again, her eyes pleading. "Tell my dad hi for me?"

Outside in the hall, Heather continues to pace.

Tony pops his head around the corner. "You got a call from a client on line one."

"Take a message."


"Take a message!" Heather snaps. "I'm busy."

Tony slinks away.

Heather glares at the empty hall, returning to her angry pacing. She wasn't about to leave her post.

Clint beams, obviously glad that Wendy liked the spot. Settling his arms around her too, he cocks his head. "You know that's my job... to make you happy." A grin forms. "'Cause that makes me happy."

Leaning in, he gives her lips a tender kiss before returning again with a more passionate exchange. He might have been tired... he might have been worried about the future... but he was finding the happiness... he was keeping his love for Wendy alive.

Dani pulls her car into the TJY parking lot and turns off the engine. It felt a little strange being here... and a part of her felt guilty that she hadn't told Carson... but he hadn't seemed interested in this. But she was... she wanted some answers, and maybe just wanted some closure about a few things. She hadn't had to work much after noon today, so she'd taken advantage of the free afternoon.

Wandering inside, she isn't quite sure where to go. Everyone on the main floor looked so busy. She hated to interrupt. She tried to find a familiar face, but wasn't so sure about anyone she saw.

Making it to the hall, she has no idea where she's going, but turns, walking past a couple closed offices. Coming to an open one though, she looks in, again, not wanting to bother anybody. It looked like it was set up for two people, but only one was present. And she did recognize this agent. How could she have forgotten him?

She lifts her hand to knock on the door hesitantly, glancing at the nameplates to refresh her memory. "Hi... Dalton?" She was sure he probably wouldn't remember her at all, but at the moment, he seemed the only one she felt like asking for help.

Scott stands at the window, his hands tucked in his jeans pockets. Domino was at his heels. He'd brought her along today for no other reason than to keep him company as he'd walked here from Mom and Pop's, and so Hope could see her too.

But today was different. He didn't have much to talk about... he seemed to have covered all his feelings and more in the last session. Today felt... empty. He hadn't asked the inevitable, and Hope hadn't said anything yet, but he knew... he knew that he wouldn't have to come anymore after today.

Turning back around, he wanders closer to the desk again, easing down in the familiar chair. Domino hops up in his lap, and he automatically strokes her head.

He looks across the desk at Hope, his eye asking her what came next. He'd been there for fifteen minutes already, hardly having spoken at all.

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