
Miss Him

Receiving Bret's kiss Charlotte is all to quick to give back the emotions she felt. It had been a crappy day, and her chair layed broke in the kitchen but that was only minor to what could of happened.

Wrapping her arms around her husband as the kiss continues Charlotte was non to quick for it to end. Bret meant the world to her, and nothing could change that. She had taken the time to see deeper into his heart, past the quick temper, to see the man that was there, giving his love to her and nothing could even change that. At one point in life Charlotte could never dream of having someone else take care of her, but now she couldn't imagine being alone again.

Ryan gives a thoughtful not to Eli. She didn't mind helping him get back on his feet. As long as he payed off his dept, and stayed out of trouble it was not problem to her.

"You can stay here and not worry about rent right now, and if you dont feel comfortable with that I know Leo was looking for a roommate so you could ask him."

Standing and bringing her glass to the sink in the kitchen Ryan rinses it out before coming back into the livingroom and hopping back up on the couch Indian style.

"As for jobs, you cant work where I work because you might show me up in front of the other..."

Ryan gives a sidelong glance to Eli as a grin forms on her lips proving she was kidding with him.

"...But I can ask Derail if he knows any other shops that are looking for people. I know I saw some signs I just don't remember where."

Thinking for a long moment Ryan sits quietly. But hearing Eli's mention to there father Ryan looks to him and gives a small. A glisten behind her eye. Though she didnt day it much, she did miss there dad, and she though about him often.

"I wish he was here to see us. I miss him alot around this time of year."

Hearing who was on the phone for her Rosetta gets up from the table a little quicker than normal. Calling BJ to come with her. She couldn't leave him out when almost every day he had asked where Dad was and when he was coming home.

Getting into the kitchen Rosetta takes the phone and just holds it for a long moment. Gathering her words on what she was going to say. Finally bringing the phone to her ear, everything she wanted to say left her mind, and she could feel herself choak up as Mick's breathing could be hurt on the other end.

"Mick? I love you."

It was the only thing she could think of saying because How are you just didnt seem right, and asking when he would be home right off the bat seemed tastless. So her words were simple but strong, leaving room for Mick to talk next!

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