

Nate gives a small nod as he makes his way over the the small bed and sits down with Laura. Keeping his arms around her the heat that had been on his face before was now going away. Nate could never be mad at Laura it just something he didnt think was possable.

"Tired, cranky, want this whole thing with Katie to be over, but yes I am ok."

Leaning aganst the wall Nate pulls Laura closer to let her rest her head on his shoulder. Running her arm softly Nate moves to running his fingers through her hair. Her sweet smell drifting to meet his nose and calming him even more. His eyes slowly falling shut as he felt comfortable.

Moving out of the way slightly Phinox just lets Gage slide to the ground quickly taking the gun from his reach and putting it back into his own holder.

Continuing to watch Gage his empression never changes till he can finally tell Gage is out. Reaching down Phinox grabs Gage by the shirt and toss him over his shoulder.

Glancing twords the door to the basment Phinox hated to leave Katie here but he had no other option. He daired not mess with her right now, not for his own life but for hers.

Making his way out with Gage Phinox ties his hands up and toss him into the front seat of his truck. Grabbing his phone and dialing he gets Reese.

"I am on my way back with Gage, the Agency will know I took him and double crossed them. From here my neck is on the line."

Hanging up Phinox continues to drive till TJY comes into view.

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