
Fun and Games

*Katie smiles at Wyatt and gives a wave going back to work work. Moments later Katie's ears perk up at a strange sound that was growing louder. Now sure what it is Katie turns and just listens. It sounded like it was coming right for her cubicle. Suddany seeing Scott go flying by Katie quirks an eyebrow. As Scott comes slinking back Katie cant help but let out a laugh as she picks up some papers and hands them to Scott.*

"Well you seem in a good mood this morning Scotty."

*Katie cant help but grin at him now seeing him up close and personal he looked better than ever. *

"Sleep well last night?"

*Misty grins as Carson slids across her hood and opens her door. Geting out of the car she gives a sassy smile.*

"Huh...what to me so long looks like your the one out of breath."

*Misty throws her keys in her purse and looks at Carson a serus look crossing her eyes. Misty lets out a sigh. For a moment Misty looks down at the ground.*

"Carson...I was hoping I could hold and push this away for at least one day but I cant. We need to talk. Its pritty searouse."

*Misty looks back up at Carson dead in the eyes.*

"I hurd something the other day from some people. They told me....."

*A small smile breaks forth on Misty's face as she steps closer to Carson.*

"....kissing is the langue of Love. So would you like to indulge in a lil conversation...?"

*Wraping her arms around Carson's neck Misty press her lips aganst Carson's in a passinot kiss that linger for a long while. Till finally Misty breaks away the biggest sassyest grin of all on her face as her eyes burn like never before. Misty brushes by Carson and heads for the door of TJY, calling for her shoulder.*

"Oh did I tell you I dont play nice when someone wakes me up out of a dead sleep?"

*Rosetta comes out of the back room and checks on BJ siting down next to him resting her elbows on the table.*

"Tast good?"

*BJ gives a toothy grin to Rosetta.*


*Rosetta leans over and ruffles his hair.*

"Wanna ride alittle on the pony after lunch?"

*BJ nods enthoseasticly.*

"Tan I ride the big one?"

* Rosetta cant help but laugh.*

"Compaired to you the pony is a big one."

"Nut uh. I tan ride like da big people. Like you and Micks."

*Rosetta brings her fingers to BJ's side as she tickles him.*

"How about we stick with the pony."

*BJ squeels with laughter as he squerms away from Rosetta and jumps up running around the kitchen table Rosetta close behind him.*

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