
For the best

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow at Katie, but drops any questions he might have. “Glad you’re doing okay.” He pauses in thought. “I’m doing alright. I’ll be glad when this is all over.”

He lingers for just a moment, then grins as he walks away. “Catch you later, Hero.”

Scott is finally able to get back to his own computer after helping Susanne. He turns it on and heaves a sigh, sifting through all the printouts and notes he and Katie had collected on Saturday. But it doesn’t look like he’s got everything from Katie, and he needed to make copies for Reese.

Scooting out of his cubicle, he looks left and right. Seeing the coast clear, he turns around and shoves off, riding his chair across the floor past the row of cubicles.

Misjudging the distance, he flies past the opening of Katie’s cubicle before dragging his sneakers as brakes, spinning around and pushing himself back to her doorway.

Acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary, he tosses Katie a quirky grin. “Hey, you got those printouts you had from Saturday?”

Carson takes the stairs of the apartment from two floors up, sliding down the railing the last few steps. Skipping down off the concrete porch, he heads at a walk towards TJY.

As he gets about a block away from the entrance, he hears as car and turns to see Misty coming down the road at a fast clip.

Knowing the competition was on, Carson breaks into a run, sprinting for the driveway. He’s no match for a car though, and makes it behind the vehicle, barely stopping to show his ID.

Racing through the parking lot he sees Misty park in her normal spot. Coming up from the passenger side he takes a jump and slides across the hood, landing by her door to open it. Trying not to show he’s winded, he stands to the side and looks at her with mock annoyance. “What took you so long?”

Reese nods with satisfaction. “Alright then. Lets get our things together and head out.”

A while later, Reese and Lockheart are on their way out of town, and soon arrive at the police station in the next county.

Mick’s shoulders drop a little at Damien’s decision, but he knows that it’s probably the best choice. Damien had been dealt a hard hand, and now was trying to make the right decision for himself and his son. Mick couldn’t blame him.

“I understand, Damien, and I don’t think low of you at all. It’s a hard call, but…in the long run, it’s probably best.” He pauses, thinking. “If you want to stop by here sometime soon, we can talk about what agency to contact, and how we can handle the details without giving the law too much to worry about.”

Finishing up the call with just a bit of small talk, Mick hangs up. He glances around the mess hall at the people filtering out, and spots BJ finishing up his breakfast. He was such a sweet little boy…he deserved a good home…a good family.

Mick couldn’t help the twinge of sadness. He’d gotten used to the little tyke being around… BJ had reminded him of Dylan, and in a way had given him a taste of having a second chance. But his nephew needed a family…he needed a mom and dad, not just a bunch of people trying to all pretend that a group was a sufficient replacement for two parents.

Sighing, Mick rises from his chair. A thought had lodged itself in his heart, and he just wasn’t convinced it was worth contemplating.

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