
Puzzle Piece

Scott can feel Katie’s raw emotions and understands that this is not easy for her. He can tell that she wants more with him, but feels torn. He feels awkward himself, knowing what he wants, but hurling himself into the path of an oncoming train like this wasn’t something he normally did. But this time…it was worth it.

Without further explanation, Scott knows what the near future held, and it was going to be none too easy on Katie. But he would be there for her…and all he had to do was wait. The look in her eye told him that he had her now…but until she was truly free from Jason, he would have to wait.

Reaching up, Scott runs his finger down the side of Katie’s face, feeling a compassion…a tenderness he’s never expressed before. “I like it too,” he replies quietly.

He pulls Katie into a strong hug, feeling as though the puzzle piece that’s been missing all his life has finally been found. And now…that piece would be set aside until he could put it in place. But he knew it was there.

Finally drawing away, Scott lets Katie slide off his lap and into the other chair, knowing that no more needed to be said now.

He takes his broken glasses and tosses them in the trash, then squints at the plates Katie brought in. “Mmm…that looks good.” Before digging in though, he glances down at Katie’s ankle. “Did you hurt yourself?”

…and an unseen witness stands to the side, a strange feeling settling over them for what they’d just seen…

Con sighs and just shakes his head. “You ARE too good to me, Jamie. I don’t know how I could ever ask for more.”

Though in a strange place for a picnic, it couldn’t have been more peaceful. Con thoroughly enjoyed Jamie’s surprise, and felt so blessed to have a woman who was willing to go out of her way to spend time with him, even when his job kept getting in the way.

Yes…it was a good night.

Wyatt carries on a conversation with several friends, looking up every once in a while as people came through the door, or as others greeted him.

Seeing movement at the entrance again, he looks up, his eyebrows raising. Aerith. It was a pleasant surprise. Wyatt excuses himself from his friends and approaches her with a grin.

“Well good morning, sunshine. Looks like you’re finding your way around quite well.”

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