

*Katie giggles at the thought of Domino waking Scott up. Growing alittle more serouse as Scott asks how she is feeling but trying to smile.*

"I'm doing great.."

* Katie stops herself for a moment knowing that was a lie. But she dident want Scott worrying about her. A feeling rushes over Katie of Jason and how he was hiding his feeling from her. She dident like how it felt and it caused her great pain, though it was intensified for her she could probley bet Scott would probley be hurt as well for her not being honnest with him. Katie wanted her and Scott to have a chanse, she wanted them to start on the write foot and if she started hiding her feeling before they even had a start than there never would be one.

Leting out a long sigh Katie looks down and than looks back up at Scott.*

"No, I'm not great. I'm not horrable, but not great eather. I'm still having a hard time feeling Jason shuting me out. I'm trying to teach myself how to block it out and its not working. It take alot of energy to do it. I mean once I get better at it, it will come nateraly and it will be ok. But till then my nights are going to be restless, and it just hurts."

*Katie looks down for a moment thinking long and hard and than looks back up at Scott.*

"Hey Scott, mmm...once everything is worked out and we starts our relationship together, let be completly honnest with eachother. I mean I wouldent exspect anything less from you Scott but I guess I am conferming for myself. I've seen what lies and hiding does. How much damage it can do, more than telling the truth. I just want us to have a fair chanse with eachother, and....ya...I'm not sure what alse I am trying to say."

*Katie gives a nervouse little laugh.*

*As Carson steps infront of Misty stoping her from opening the door she looks up at him raising one of her eyes brows trying her best not to smile but failing.*

"Oh promises promises Carson, its actions that speak louder. Now if you dont mind moving Mr. Banks I wont have to use force. Than again you might like that soo....We could always continue that conversation if you like."

*Misty steps closer to Carson again grinning.*

*Lockheart listens to Sheriff Brown and Reese talk throwing in comment here and there. Filling in holes where should could. As the conversation comes to an end and Sheriff Brown turns a question to her Lockheart is silent for a moment than starts speaking with confadence.*

" I will stand by these people till the end. Till this is over and if they need me after I will there. I will protect and help every single person that works for TJY. I also think...."

*Lockheart looks to Sheriff Brown and than Reese.*

"...that before we go saying with will join "The Elite" we need to once again talk it over with out staff. Alot of things would be changing from this weather its great or small but I think they should be filled in than have a desition made."

*As Rosetta chanses BJ she looks up to see Mick looking at her. His eyes showed he had alot to think about. Stoping BJ she smiles and tells him to go wash up and they would ride in alittle bit. As BJ trots off to the bathroom Rosetta follows Mick outside.*

"Hey Hun. Is everything ok? You looks like something is wrong."

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