
I new

*Once during the night Katie stirs. Not quite sure for a moment where she is a panic sets in. Feeling an arm around and a form next to her, and a lump on her feet she remembers where she is. She must of fallen asleep on Scott. Stairing into the dark for a long moment Katie runs her fingers on Scotts arm. Turning just alittle Katie looks at Scott as her eyes get use to the dark. Morning was coming fast and soon Scott would be gone. Just watching Scott sleep Katie studys his face imprinting it in her mind. Giving him a gentil kiss Kaite leans her head back down again and finally difts off to sleep again.*

*As Carson leans ove and gives Misty a kiss her hand goes to his arm as she returns it. Than pulls away her tone sturn.*

"Don't you say that Carson. There will be many more kiss after this is over. Got it."

*Falling silent as they pull across the street Misty's mind races and her tummy does flip flops. When the car comes to a stop Misty gets out and joins Carson walking along side him staying silent.

Nate turns as he hears Carson's voice. Steping away from the car and twords him he looks to Misty and than back to Carson. He cant help leting out a chuckle but the irratation in his eyes.*

"I new you wouldent hurt her. You relize you both are in alot of trouble right?"

*Stoping and folding his arms across his chest shaking his head.*

" So how about you both tell me whats going on and what your both doing before I change me mind on helping you at all or for that matter not turning you in."

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