

*Misty just shakes her head and stands. Something dident feel right she dident know what it was, but this was just...wrong.*

"If only it were that simple. Low dosage or not medicine wont solve anything its only going to make it worse. I don't agree and I wont sit here and watch this."

*Taking her files Misty's exit the infermary and heads for an empty cubicle to finish her work. She'd never left Rick before when he was diegnosing someone, but this was just a feeling she had that felt very strong she only hoped it was just that. A feeling.*

*Katie leans back in her cubicle she felt tired and in almost an instine extramly nervouse but why. Her mind had been on Scott all morning and her situation but now it was blank and the only thing there was her nerves almost sky rocketing. Standing Katie walks past a few cubicles till she gets close to Misty. Leaning in alittle Katie talks to her seemingly pretty fast.*

"Hey Misty, Strange to see you out here not a bad thing just strange."

*As Misty sits doing her paper work she smiles a sudden feel of anxcusness comes over her grownig alittle bit stronger by the minute. Misty gives a jump at Katie's voice not relizing she was there. Cocking her head alittle she eyes Katie. She was speaking rather fast and looks as though she was shaking a bit.*

*Katie nevouseness continues she felt so strange like a light switch nervouse, than nothing than nervouse again it was causing her own emotions to just go wake.*

"I need to get something to drink I'll see ya later."

*Katie makes her way away from Misty and to the break room.*

*Misty watchs as Katie walks away, and her anxusness slowly fades. Till finally its gone. Misty looks back down to Her papers and feels a bit confused. That was odd why had she been so anxus.*

*As Katie stands in the breakroom sipping some water a suddan burts of emotions, fear, anger hits Katie causing her to drop her glass sending water everywhere. Katie instinly knows its Jason. Exiting the breakroom in a hast Katie stops for a moment trying to register where he was. As She searches she comes up with nothing, it was almost like Jason with a invisable wall in from of him. It causing Katie to only feel more panic. Making her way back to the one person she know might know where Jason was.*

"Misty something is wrong with Jason I can feel it but I cant find him. Something is impairing him from seeing him...Misty where is her?"

*Katie's voice strain.*

*Suddanly and almost instintly a feeling of fear rushes over once again Katie apearing. Misty looks up at her as she breaks out into a sweat. What was going on.*

"Last time...I saw Jason he was in the infermary."

*As if a crack in the wall is seen Katie knows where Jason is she can feel where he is at. Wasting no time Katie turns and heads for the bathroom.*

"I found him."

*Misty watches Katie go and instintly the fear is gone. Misty was confused and dident understand. She'd felt fine, Katie came she got Anxus, Katie left, she was fine. Katie came again she felt fear, Katie left she was fine. A suddan thought hits Misty as Ricks works come back about how Katie and Jason were differnt. Jason could break things, what if...this was only geting stranger but Misty had to know. Standing she makes her way to the infermary where she was sure Katie would head with Jason.*

*Katie makes her way to the bathroom and opens the door not caring much about it. Seeing Jason on the floor Katie bends down and gently rubs his back. Jason looks a mess and Katie felt bad though knowing he was ok was a good thing.*

"Hey J, what are you doing down there? Come on lets get you to the infermarty to rest."

*Kaite puts Jason's arm over her shoulder and pulls him up heading slowly to the infermary. Once there Katie lays him down on the bed and looks to Misty and Rick.*

"I'm not sure what happend but it was differnt this time, I could find him till finally it broke through. I dont know what happend."

*Misty sits watching Katie for a moment. She had to think of a way to get Katie to get upset to see if ther thery is right or not. There was only a few things Misty new would do that to Katie and she new it would be slightly pain full.*

"Katie for what I am to say next its probley going to hurt alot and I am sorry but I have to say it to see if something I think is happening is or not."

*Misty is silent again for a moment before speaking than leting out a sigh she does.*

"Katie how would you feel if you new something was wrong with Jason but you couldent get to him. You could slowly feel him slipping away, dieing?"

*As Misty asks the question Katie's emotions sky rocket looking to her friend she becomes nervouse, scaired and helpless. Jason....dieing...the feeling wasent good the picture in her had wasent good eather Katie felt almost sick.*

*Misty watches Katie and a suddan wave of nervouseness, and anxeusness flows over her. Causing her to gives a chill as the sweat runs down her face. Again Misty speaks.*

"Kaite, its ok. Jason is fine he's not dieing and your the Hero you will always be able to get to him come heck or high water right?"

*Katie's pulse starts to slow, Jason wasent dieing that was a good thing. Katie emotions slowly return to normal. Misty's words soothing her.*

*And as Katie calms down like that Misty's anxiety starts to fade till finally it was gone. What she had though was right. It was Katie who had made Misty feel what she did, but what did this all mean now?

Slowly turning Misty looks to Rick a new question in her eyes.*

"Did you feel that too?"

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