

Thirteen's eyes go from Ryder to Reese to Ryder than back to Reese as his questions are thrown at her left and right. Fear coursing through her still she didnt like it in this room anymore, the peace had been broken.

Her own voice is straned as she talking to Reese trying to tell him, trying to explain.

"I..wasnt snooping. Trooper and I hurd a noise he barked, he followed the noise and I followed him."

Tears filled Thirteen's eyes...as she continues her emotions ran high at the moment that maybe she didnt even know she was saying so much.

"I was just trying to be brave and step out of my room so when I went out for a walk with Ryder today I didnt embarrass him again."

Thirteen's eyes burned with fear as Reese started to take a step twords her telling her she had to go back to the intaragation room.


Feeling so scaired and on the verge of breaking down Thirteen dosnt jump as Trooper comes bolting into the room. She could feel almost a releaf as he tryed to protect her from Reese showing his teeth. But still she was so scaired.

Taking a few steps to the right as the other where busy with Trooper Thirteen looks to the door and the space around the men. Pushing off the wall she makes a run for it getting outside the door a few noises of chairs, copyers scair her even more as her panic takes over and she just keep running.

Going down the way they had lastnight Thirteen trys a few differnt doors to see what was open...she needed to find someplace and the panic she felt was great, the walls closed in around her, fear, hate, words she needed to find someplace.

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