
Coin flip day

*Nate glances over the reports that were handed to him. Misty was indeed in bad shape. Nate puts the files back into the envalope bringing it with him.He wanted to bring them to Rick to ask him how long Misty had and if anythere was anything when they found her he could do.

Quickly Nate follows after Carson. He new he was upset and he had every right to be, but Nate also new Carson dident think clearly when he was upset or mad.*

"Carson where are you going and I am coming with you. I'm going to help you with this and we are going to find her ok."

*Nate climbs into Carson's car seeming to forget about his own at the moment.*

*Frankie heads out of the small building. Geting on his motercicle he revs the engin and heads across town back to Aerith's grandmothers house where he had been staying. He needed to grab a few things and get some food before heading back to keep everyone happy and to stop Morgan from whining.*

*Aerith's laughter fills Mom and Pop's as she listen to Wyatt's story. Once again her break was spend like so many people having a conversation and eating something with him. Left seemed to be going pretty good right now and having Wyatt to spend endless day with was even better. She never tired of his storys, or hearing about his day. Sometimes just shairing insprational storys about there relationship with God was nice too.

Leaning her elbows on the table she looks intently back at Wyatt waiting for the rest of the story.*

"So...what happen than?"

*Charlotte listens to Bret intently hearing the meloncoly in his voice when he mentions Brandon. He had only been a week and it still must of been hard. She new losing someone you are close to was never fun.*

"Hey, at least you have your good times to remember right? Brandon would want that. I bet he would want to live on in your heart still so you can still make you laugh."

*Charlotte gives Bret's hand a small pat.*

"Oh, I still have yet to meet Con personaly. I saw him and his girl that once but other than that I dont know a lick about him. From what you have said though he seems like a real good guy."

*Charlotte gives a laught.*

"And that girlfriend of his sounds like she is really a peace of work to have around keeping things livly. Whats with those caves anyways? Do they have anyone coming in to check them out? They made a big fuss over to not see whats going on with them."

*Charlotte rolls her eyes but the grin remains on her face.*

"Oh I wanted to ask when your next day off is too, i wanted to plane a coin flip day."

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