
Would have

Trent stops his route, looking into Thirteen's eyes. He glances to Ryder, then back again. "One of the things that people who have been in the Agency have to learn, is to let go. It's not always fair."

He shifts his weight a bit uncomfortably, but remains strong. "But I know this is important to you, so I'll tell you what I know." His eyes stare into Thirteen's, as if reading her soul. "Your mother died in an Agency-instigated car accident not long after you were born. She wasn't married. Your father..." He broke his gaze for a moment before finding her face again. "That's one of those things that has to be let go. He was a man who never deserved a daughter like you, and I will warn you not to try and dig things up. You've got too good of a life ahead of you - don't spoil it by chasing a past that will only disappoint you." He swallows hard and straightens just a little, again prepared to leave. "I've always known this information, but I only just learned about you yesterday. Otherwise, I would have come sooner."

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