
Should know better

Carson’s eyes narrow just a little, a cocky spark flashing through them for just a brief moment.

His hand moves around to the back of Misty’s head, pulling her down until his eyes are barely inches from hers, their steel-like stare proving life still exists, even if momentarily disregarded or forgotten. He hadn’t succeeded in taking his life, and someone had shown him that perhaps there really was something worth sticking around for.

“You should know better than to talk to a mentally unstable person like that. You might get more than you bargained for.”

He draws Misty closer with a rough hand, until his lips envelop hers, his other hand moving to put her shoulder in a strong hold. He keeps her there for several moments, allowing his impulsive move to be the thanks he can’t verbalize.

Finally though, he lets her go, releasing his grip to resume his stare into her eyes. He searches them for the fire he knows is there.

Pain though, causes his eyes shift to his wrist where blood has seeped through the bandage. A slight grimace replaces what had resembled a grin. “Aw now…see what you made me do?”

Jason rolls his eyes at Nate and stands with him. “Brains, my foot. I’m sheer genius.” He grins and heads into the hall. “Lets go see if Reese is here and talk this thing over.”

…Reese swivels in his chair, looking over and Nate and Jason, who were seated across from him on the other side of his desk. He contemplates what he’s just been told, unsure of this whole thing himself.

“There’s a lot of questions here guys…” He shakes his head slowly. “First off, I’m not sure we can trust that Carson has been telling us the truth about anything. And second off, how can I be comfortable allowing my niece to be put in that position?” He sighs deeply.

“I know she’s taking care of Carson now, and that’s fine, I understand that. But after what happened…after he came on to her, and apparently she has no problem with that…” His eyes widen a little, still bewildered by it. “…I’m just not sure they should be left alone together.”

“Well from what I’ve been told about Misty,” Jason intervenes, “she may be forward, but she’s not indecent, if that’s what you’re getting at. And so far, Carson has had ample opportunity to try something and…well, as far as we know, nothing has happened, if that’s also what you’re getting at.”

He shrugs. “I know it sounds bizarre, but even though I don’t trust Carson as far as I can throw him, I’m not too bothered by letting Misty have a go at it. He responds to her, whether it’s because there’s a spark there, or just because she’s an attractive woman. Either way, I think she can get him to talk.”

Reese takes a few moments to think. “But how do we know he’s telling the truth?”

“I got one way of finding out if things get that far.”


“Yeah.” Jason nods. “Remember Aaron?”

“Mm.” Reese recalls that incident. “Yes, and that test was conclusive.”

“If we let Misty talk to him, and we still think he’s lying, we’ll go ahead with that.” Jason glances to Nate. “It’s something we did a few years back to a new team member. You’ll have to trust us on this one though – it’s kept under wraps as much as possible for effectiveness.”

Reese leans forward to rest his elbows on his desk. “Alright, here’s the deal. Let Misty take care of him until he can function again. It shouldn’t take long. He goes back in his cell after we’ve gone though it to take out anything he can hurt himself, or anyone else on. We’re also going to install a surveillance camera in there. Misty will be allowed to talk to him… if it’s anger that holds him back, we’ll know he’s not on our side. If it’s fear, she’ll be able to settle him down so he’ll talk. If we can simply get him to that point, then he shouldn’t have a problem talking to you two anymore. Make sense?” He pauses looking between Nate and Jason. “For now, he stays in the building. No outings until we’re sure where he stands. You two can take a quick jaunt down there now to see if anything has changed, and keep checking on him just to make sure things with him and Misty stay on an even and decent keel.”

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