

*As Misty listens to Carson talk many thoughts run through her mind. He went to the Agency, if someone had been at the base would he have told them all he knew. They would all be in great danger right now just walking outside the doors. Misty wondered what made Carson change he mind about tell but thinks its best not to ask. As Misty watches Carson hands fidget she walks over to him, placing her hands on tops of his.*

"You need to keep your hands still or your gonna wrip you wounds opens again, and I dont feel like runing another pare of clothing with your blood."

*Misty cant help but let a smile cross her face to let Carson know she wasent mad. And in all truth She wasent mad. She was scaired but not for herself she was scaired for Carson. She dident want him to try anything alse. So quickly He had become impotant to Misty for so long Misty had closed herself off hident who she was from the world but since meeting Carson she felt like her old self and dident care who saw her. After Carson had run off she hide herself again away and now he was back and she felt her self once again. The flucawaiting emotions were like a bad rollercoaster than Misty dident understand. What was it about Carson that made these feeling happen, what was it about him that drew Misty in without stoping to think of what she was doing. Misty search Carson eyes for a long moment. There had to be sometime in him she could cling to and help pull him out of this black hole.*

"Carson you keep saying everyone wants you dead. No one wants you dead. If we did, you would be dead already you wouldent have stay alive or here as long as you have. Personaly if it came down to geting my cloths covered in your blood to save you again I would. But let hope that dosent happen. I dont want to see you hurt.

What kind of person you are, your a normal person Carson who is lost and scaired. Living in the past, with pain for so long you dont know anything alse. Your scaired to feel to let your true emotions out. But there are there, banging on the door of your heart beging to be free. The fool you said died long ago Carson banks, if still alive just lost and closed off. But when I look in your eyes I see him looking back at me. And when he makes a simple smart comment, I hear him. The light will stay shinning for him so he can find his way out of the darkness...."

*Misty's hand gives Carson's a gental squeeze.*

*As Nate watches Jason turn to go to his office Nate calls after him.*

"Hotshot come here..."

*Nate makes his way into the room next to the infermary siting down at the small table.*

"I want your imput on this too. We are a team and I wanna try and make desitions together on this one. I am lost and confused by this whole thing myself."

*Nate lets out a long drawn out sigh and shakes his head.*

"I was angry with Carson this morning and now looking at him laying in that bed something changed. There is something pulling at my heart telling me he is differnt and I am not sure what to do about it. I know we need to find out if he went to the Agency or not. after that is just seems a blurr. Evenone gets a second chanse right? Even someone like Carson? My mind always goes back to the people we have met all over who have turned good and helped us in the end and now live married or whatever happy. I just feel so dizzy like in a fog on this one."

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