
What next

*Misty smiles back at Carson*

"I'm not one who it known to give up. I dont even think I know what the word means."

*Misty stratens back up as the light in Carson's eyes goes out again. Her heart saddened. It hurt to know he was hurting so much and not be able to help him. She was helpless. All she could do was show him comfort, friendship and that strange feeling that welled inside her. Mitsy felt like she wanted to let the tears come all over again. She aked but not for herself, but for Carson. His pain was hers. Leaning off the bed and standing up Misty goes to the cabnet and grabs some more iodine and clean bandges. Unwrping Carson's wrists Misty takes a closer look at the cuts to make sure they are healing ok, and not geting infected. In a soft tone she replys.*

"Brace yourself this is gonna hurt."

*Misty places a cloth under Carson's wrists than dumps some of the iodine onto both his wrists. Gently she pats the extras off and rewraps them with clean bandges. Misty linger for a moment holding one of Carson's hands in her.*

" You wont be going back to that cell for a while. For what its worth, I'm glad we found you and your ok."

*Misty gently puts Carson's hand down next to him. Quickly Misty turns trying to hide the tear in her eyes. Slowly she walks back to the desk siting down to start writing up another report. Misty softly starts a hum a toon speaking the words.*

"And I'd give up forever to touch you'Cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment. And all I can breathe is your life'Cause sooner or later it's over. I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me'Cause I don't think that they'd understand, When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies. When everything feels like the movies And you bleed just to know you're alive
And I don't want the world to see me'Cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken. I just want you to know who I am."

*Silence enter the room as Misty voice goes quiet.*

*As Nate makes his way down the elavatore his mind is going a million directions at once. Wyatt had called him to let him know what happend to Carson and that his dad was leaving it up to him on what to next. Nate had been put in this position many times before and never had such a problem deal with an enemy and elimanating him if he needed too. But someone about this Carson situation was differnt. Something pulled at Nate's heart telling him not to do anything rash.

As Nate steps out of the elavator he spots Jason and throws a nod at him. Walking over to him he lets out a sigh.*

"I'm guessing they filled you in on everything that happend huh? I guess we should go see how he is doing."

*Nate makes his way to the infermary knocking lightly on the door than enters. Looking around the room he see Misty at her desk and Carson laying in the bed. Nate turns to Misty.*

"How is he?"

*Misty looks up from her report and stands.*

"He's gonna make it. I'm gonna have to keep a close on him now though and he is gonna need to be on the IV for a while. He lost a bit of blood not enough to be in danger but enough that he needs to rest and get it replenished. He hasent said much though."

*Nate nods at Misty and walks over to Carson bedside, lookin down at him for a while comapastion replacing the anger that was there hours before.*

"Well I dont think you need to worry about me making your life a living nightmare anymore. I think you did that enough for youself and by the look in your eye your still beating yourself up."

*Nate places a hand on Carson's shoulder.*

"Life gets rough for us all, but that dosent mean we should take our own life. Its good to see your ok."

*Nate looks to Jason and than nods relaying for now they would let Carson get the rest he needs, and they needed to talk about what should happend next.*

"Keep a good eye on him Misty. If you need anything yell I'll be right next door."

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