
*As Jason and Nate are chating with there back turned Misty looks in at Carson he looked so sad for the moment. Sliping into the room Misty goes around to the side of the table Carson is at and bends down so that Jason and Nate cant see her.*

"Carson whats going on? Talk to me? What's going to happen?"

*For the first time a glint of fear can be seem in Misty's eyes. Not for herself but for Carson. Soon it is replaces with her normal look and glowing eyes.*

*Nate shakes his head at Jason.*

"We can turn him into the cops Jason. He's the key we will need. We've never been this close before."

*Nate brings a hand to his head trying to think of the next step. What is Carson was right and all they needed was someone to be handed to the Agency.*

"We arnt sending anyone to the Agency eather. This isent Carson's play area. We set the rules. We have a key for him and thats Misty. That girl does something to him Jason. I cant put my finger on it, but if you looks closly you can see it too. His eyes gain a bit of light when she is around him. Its like she is the light among his shadows. I say we play with that and see if we cant come up with something to work with."

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